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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. Looks like your off to a excellent start! Looking forward to your build!
  2. Definitely looking forward to those!
  3. I painted my first pair. I used a cheap paint from Michael's. I just airbrushed it on. I never had a problem with it at all. I didn't use a sealer either. I lightly sanded the soles and cleaned with alcohol before applying the paint. Never had to touch them up as well.
  4. They can be! Looks like your in the home stretch with them! Just a little shaping and smoothing out!
  5. Good to know! I've always liked the look of the thigh armor.
  6. Same way I did mine.
  7. I dont right now,but if some doesn't post a picture soon I'll try and do so.
  8. Yes. Just trim and sand that's it.
  9. They're perfect!
  10. Also keep check on the RPF. They pop up over there often.
  11. DSP is constructed from those exact items. Its very well built.
  12. That's what I thought.
  13. I sewed mine. Others use snaps or rivets. I can't recall if we ever found out how they actually connected the drop box straps to the belt. @CatfoodRob might. I know we talked about it years back,but I can't recall on what some of us agreed on.
  14. The seam would have to be filled for level 2 "Lancer". I personally like the ears open as opposed to the decals. For one it looks better and two for the airflow. The ears being open really helps when it comes to staying cool. Again for basic approval they can be decals. Lancer they have to be open. I'll give you a tip. Go for Lancer right out of the gate! It'll be easier to do it now opposed to later.
  15. No worries. We actually get that question a lot.
  16. Decals were used on the scouts.
  17. I personally dont know,but it's been around for years.
  18. A hot knife will get it done with ease!
  19. The one on the right is closer to the original boots. However I believe the soles are pretty hard to carve. The boot on the left does have a softer sole,but the sole color is wrong.
  20. The first helmet that AradunFF posted is a stunt helmet from the scout Han encountered. We've talked about in the past. The helmet looks to be casted in polyurethane or something similar. That's the reason it's off compared to the other movie helmets. The faceplate and visor look to be permanently attached to the helmet. Its looks seamless at the top of the visor.
  21. Welcome aboard!
  22. It looks good to me. You might wanna clean the corners up a bit. Other than that I'd call it good.
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