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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. Yes as smooth as you can get it to make it looks as the original. Sadly you'll have to paint it. Devcon is all I use on helmets. It's easy to sand and you might end up with pin holes ,but a little spot putty will fix that.
  2. Its possible. That's why I wait about a week before I paint the snout. Ask me how I know....
  3. I'd let it gas out for about a week before I did that. Check this link
  4. Like most of star wars especially empire and jedi the costumes were rough. My lone wolf helmet isn't perfect nor is my RS,but nither was the film used helmets.
  5. Indeed! That's super nice helmet when it's done! Fill,sand,repeat. Your halfway there! Keep it up!
  6. I bet you got a hold of one of CB's hips helmets? It's hard to put together, but it's a nice helmet once finished. Hips is harder to work with than abs. I really hope you didn't trash it man.
  7. Congratulations!
  8. I painted mine a 1/3 of the way up around the snout. Not the whole thing. All I had was frog tap I just tapped it up and trimmed it till I got it right. It took awhile,but came out just like I wanted it.
  9. Take it outside and look at it. The lights can make it look beige,yellow,all kinds of stuff. I'll post up a pic of mine under different light.
  10. Yes. Mine is also matte.
  11. It's stealing another person work and selling it as they're own.
  12. Unlikely to happen anytime in the near future. For years there wasn't that many scout makers out there. It's really stepped up the last few years. We finally have options.
  13. SC is a back and cap style. Meaning the cap glues to the back. Then the visor and faceplate go together. The seam in the back can be a pain. The idea chopper and I gave you are just about the only thing you can do. One doesn't really out weight the other. Like chopper said with devcon you'll have to sand and repaint. The abs paste is hard to sand,but works just as good a glue. Caulk does works also.
  14. This is what I use on all the 5 piece helmets. Also seen troopers use it on the sc helmets. Easy to sand and takes paint.
  15. Correct. The seam has to be filled. Its really not that hard. Other than having to fill the seam its fine for lancer.
  16. Ok I went and played a couple rounds of BF there's seems to a belt at times. Maybe elastic also black. Its glitchy sometimes you think you see it sometimes it's nothing at all.
  17. It's missing the belt or so was in the BF game. It's a copy paste.
  18. No and no. It's a copy from BF and there's also no riding patches from what I remember.
  19. Yes it's the same. You'll need a 1/8 rivet washer.
  20. Smooth! That's a scout right there!
  21. Your outta here! 😁 nah man just joking with ya!
  22. To give you a idea of what I mean. Now placement will vary from person to person. Took this front the thread I linked you up with.
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