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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. I had it happen to mine. Has the holster been trimmed down any? If not you can trim it down. There's a lot of property there you can remove. The sc holster is over sized.
  2. Congratulations! Troop on!
  3. We have a saying it's not 501st approved until it's 501st approved. Meaning each individual item. Agreed I see items all the time that claim to be.
  4. One I know of personally. Would I have approved him? No. There's just way too much wrong with thier soft parts. As for sewing you can do it! I learned how and well I'm a few crayons shy of a box. So if I can do it anyone can! Get you a scrap piece of cloth and get after it! Run some different lines. Try different stitches. You can do it! I had to in order to make and better my own soft goods. No matter who I had make my soft goods I was never happy. So one day I just sat down and with in a hour I made a cod piece and then a bund and after that pouches.
  5. I've seen a scout in person that does. I myself don't really care for the way they construct the soft parts and over all look isnt what it should be. They have a baggy thin look to the bund and the flak best sleeves are way too long.
  6. That was only seen on the hero scout. It was just a extra piece of pin stripping added with the edges slightly angled.
  7. Just a title. It mostly comes from scout being able to work in a Lance. No the only weapons a scout can carry is the hold out blaster as seen in the movie or a dlt 19 dlt 20a and the heavy dlt 19. You've probably already seen it but here it is https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Scout_trooper
  8. Also give the Lancers apps a look through. That'll answer a lot of questions for you. http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/forum/51-lancer-deployment-request/
  9. You can use velcro to attach pouches to the bund. The cod piece attaches to the flak vest via velcro. The strap on the cod piece attaches to the back of the vest.
  10. I'd just buy white and do it right the first time. I mean I don't know who your gml will be,but they could easily ding you on the thread and you'd have to go back and redo them with white.
  11. Why not just use white? I mean after a few troops the thread starts to get that screen look. With brown you probably won't get that affect.
  12. That's one I remember. Someone at one point posted a link to a picture of the original bucks. I swear some where on one of my PC's I have the picture. Its was posted late 2013 I wanna say.
  13. They were. Also I believe there was a picture around here back in the day when I joined of actual moulds.
  14. Yes. CRL A "dog bone" shaped strap covers the bridge of the foot. Dog bones have double stitching along the rounded edges as seen in the film
  15. Looking forward to the builds.
  16. Just a heads up I've found suede at the goodwill. Yeah some of those old jackets and stuff from the late 80s early 90s work perfectly. It's also cheap!
  17. Only input I can give is that armor your pulling the specs from may not be that accurate at all. Not trying be a bullie ,but sometimes cheap armor tells you a lot about its accuracy and how much actual time was put into it.
  18. They're nice to troop in. They float with your movement. Yes my wife's helps me in costume since I have mine like the originals.
  19. Congratulations!
  20. Like Corey said a ton of work,but they do look good when done right! However it's very heavy from what I hear and you don't want to have it in the sun much.
  21. Welcome! Tons of info here as well as troopers to help you out with whatever you might need!
  22. Yes there troopers around here that have. Maybe one of em will chime in.
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