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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. Armor is looking good. I wanna throw in some some info on the bund. The current bund is way to long. I'm 6'5" in my bund length is only around 9.5". Nothing that can't be fixed.
  2. Here's some more good info on the boots.
  3. I can see where your coming from,but as you know the screen used boots are super rare these days. So in turn we ask for a pair of boots that are close in color to the screen boots. Its almost impossible to get a pair of boots with the same color sole as the original boots. So we have to settle for what we can get.
  4. Welcome aboard. Looking forward to seeing your build.
  5. Yes! A little of that goes along way!
  6. Yes that's the way it was done in the movie. I did mine like this and its saved my tank several times along with making it easier to carry in my armour bin.
  7. Here! I use mine during Halloween. I have all the skull helmets minus Vader.
  8. Yes fold over and behind the bund. Some people use velcro some use safety pins. It's fine either way.
  9. No problem! Also when you go to add the white circle make sure it's about the same size as the button that goes on the tank topper.
  10. You have the rivet placemat correct. The circle needs to be painted.
  11. You really can't go wrong with SC as far strength. It's a breeze to construct. It's a good choice.
  12. Looking good Jason! Thanks for the update.
  13. I'm 6'5" also I currently wear Strider/CFO I've also wore MC and SC at that time I was 220. Spike also makes a bigger kit. Plenty of options for you. Scout armor is very for giving.
  14. I got in on the dickey beer helmet run. My decals came like that and so did the rest that I've seen.
  15. Congrats LANCER!
  16. Thanks for the app Stephan the team will go over it and get back to you.
  17. Thanks for the update Shelbi! One of us well get back with you.
  18. A casting or the real deal?
  19. Thanks for this Raj! The actual bolts are getting harder and harder to get your hands on. Solid info here folks!
  20. Let me rephrase the dog bones. You want them to rest on the top edges of the sole not come down pass them or lay on the sides of the soles. Keep the updates coming and we'll get back to you soon.
  21. What I did with my mlc v3 was just use bolts to hold the it together and the I took the actual 3m bolts and cut the thread off and used them more less as covers. The "white dot" I said about 50% smaller. Flight suit 1" from each side making a total of 2" and 1.5" from removed the bottom. Dog bone you want it to touch both sides of the soles. We're looking forward to your updates.
  22. Yes whatever questions or updates you have please post it up in this thread. The pictures being posted here works the best for us.
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