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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. These are the ones I use. A lot of us around here have them. Thes sole is a single color and super easy to add the notches to the heels. Very well priced also. https://www.gearonesource.com/Green-Trail-Suede-6-Inch-Work-Boot-Tan-51C16-p/51c16.htm
  2. That's the way it should be.
  3. Looks good! As for the vest. Here's what I did I just took the sleeves up a bit with a new stitch. Just turn the sleeves inside out and sew it.
  4. I am liking the sole work!
  5. Novus polish will take some of the marks off. There's other cleaners folks use also. However my scout is weathered and I just roll with it.
  6. Yes! This has bugged the hell outta me since I joined! The detachment should be the one to judge ones costume for approval! What bugs me is these folks who run around in a store bought costume with some like me who's dropped 5K on a certain costume! Sorry to derail the topic even more,but to put it bluntly there's a ton of costumes that shouldn't be approved! Let's talk Lancer. I've been asked multiple times why aren't you a Lancer? Well he's my thought on it! It should be right the first time! All the level 2 requirements should be what is called basic! I mean I just don't get it! This is a topic I could go on and on about!
  7. Can't answer that one for you lol. Yeah sc is a bit on the large size. Strider,Chef,and MC are about the right size. Those three holsters I don't think you get a hyperfirm blaster in them. I know you can't get a hyperfirm in a strider holster. That's just a FYI.
  8. Check out some armor builds here on the forums and the gallery section. There's some good reference pictures of the original holster. Also taken in to consideration the WTF holster is a bit bigger than the screen used ones.
  9. Boot break in...I know so well. One way and one way only! Wear them suckers! After the vinyl has been applied just wear em around the house,outside ,and so on.
  10. Looking good so far!
  11. Here's my TD set up https://i.imgur.com/kQtaHdB.jpg https://i.imgur.com/stBxoCB.jpg
  12. Yeah. I'll upload a few pics later today.
  13. Look for a pair of boots made by green trail. They have the correct color sole and it's very easy to notch out. I can't find my link. A pair will run you about $25 USD on Amazon.
  14. I didn't have to paint mine. I was able to snag a old phone from a flea market with grayish cord. Then I wrapped it around a light weight hydraulic hose. I can't remember the OD off the top of my head. Striders caps fit it perfect. Also I used the coil type wire. Made it a lot easier.
  15. That's how I also did mine.
  16. Peter aka Retrofire is the man to talk to!
  17. I can't tell you had bad I hate snaps! Velcro and glue!!!
  18. I think the job could have been done a lot better.
  19. Take your time and have fun!
  20. The old yellowish white RJ 11 telephone wire looks damn good wrapped around the TD. That's what I used.
  21. Go RS or ALT! Forget about the new image!
  22. Send Spike here on the board a pm. He might have what you need.
  23. Mines just like Mickey's. Most of us do it this way.
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