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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. Congrats!
  2. Your there! I see nothing that should hold you back from approval. Nice job!
  3. Spacing looks fine. I'd drop the arch a little. I mean it's nothing that's gonna cause you not to get basic clearance.
  4. As for the armor I'd paint the visor bolts the correct gray. Also if you plan on going beyond basic then cod piece will need to be fixed. Belt needs to come down in the back. Bund might be a little long? Other than that very well done.
  5. Depends how good one is with his hands and how you do it.
  6. Holster is the biggest breaking point, and yes biceps are a weak point.
  7. Now how about the small fins on the tank topper
  8. If it was me I'd leave it. A Dremel is what ya need if you decide to cut it out.
  9. Tons of good advice posted.
  10. That's a lot or work. You remove all the zipper and so on it should work fine. The side pockets if you can't see them when you have your bund on I'd leave them. I left mine. You do the mods right you shouldn't have a under suit problem with approval.
  11. Also you can add some e6000 between the belt and fabric to help hold it in place and take some of the strain off the rivets.
  12. Well they missed my Dickey Beer helmet. So I'm the last to get a completed helmet. They found my order under a stack of papers with my plaque. Just wondering what number it'll be.
  13. They cost about $20 we just about all use them.
  14. Congrats brother! You earned it!
  15. The neck seal is worn under the suit and it optional. The shadow scout belongs to spec ops detachmemt. I feel the shadow should mirror the regular scout,but hey that's not up to me. The WW suit has to have all the mods. Riding patch,flap, elastic around the thighs and so on. It's cheaper just to mod a pair of redkap overalls.
  16. Interesting. Contact Jeff at SC. All 3 kits I've owned had the circle out line but never a complete hole.
  17. You could trying the boiling water trick. It might work,but that there is some heavy heat damage.
  18. Man! Well it isn't the first time I've done it.
  19. His also recasted a Anovos OG TK as well.
  20. I'm having a custom suit made to my measurements. I'm 6'5" 185 pounds. Its a love hate with redkap. I know the struggle.
  21. It needs to be more round. I'd go with a regular t-shirt. That V could be a problem unless you wanted to make the neck wider. Which I wouldn't.
  22. It's a very sturdy helmet. No thin spots here and there. It'll hold up to a beating.
  23. I don't see anything wrong with the boots. The vest I can't tell via mobile. Yes it's gotten riskier as of late.
  24. I own a LW and think he's referring to the more bold lines than the original. I still prefer LW over RS when it comes to trooping.
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