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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. Get your pattern first!
  2. Correct. KS makes a great helmet just a couple simple mods and you'll have a nice helmet. The armour is sub par that should be avoided. The SC helmet isn't hard to put together.
  3. Might have been,but it's next to impossible to do. It's has a rather large return. You can trim and trim and still not get chest and back to actually rest on the chest and back. MC was years ahead of everyone on the snowy and biker like 10 years.
  4. The overall chest design isn't that bad. It's the chest straps. There made to over lap one another however the abs is thick and you can't get a good look without a gap beteween the your chest and armour. The chest straps are crazy long.
  5. I love MC however the chest is the killer for me. In the morning the old grumpy mail lady should be delivering my new armour
  6. Figure out how far you need to hem it up pop it inside out and run a new seam. Id keep my seam up as far as I could. I've seen some Lancers have a seam near the end of the flak sleeve. I myself prefer it to be hidden.
  7. Nice work! I can get you a back pic for wtf. I'll pm you.
  8. I'd look around for a while before I committed. Its not as accurate as SC.
  9. Sand it and get it smooth it might be ok. However most of the 3d prints I've seen are under sized. Look around here someone might have one for sale. I'm not trying be a hard case I just don't want you to stuck with a no go blaster.
  10. You can pass basic without​ a blaster. Now for Lancer that blaster wouldn't pass. If lancer is something you want to achieve avoid the blaster you posted above.
  11. I went RS. That would be killer for the scouts that picked one up!
  12. ST kits gents....I posted a link to spikes thread earlier today...
  13. Seek and you shall find.....
  14. Totally. Most troopers in my Garrison are tall. Our Vader is 6'7" outta costume I'm just about 6'6" outta costume and along with Tracy and a couple of more. We're all over 6' tall.
  15. Wal-Mart shareholders convention. Bentonville Arkansas. Wal-Mart requested TKs and no one could make it. So I shot my pictures in and was cleared for it and future events. In the end I could care less what they think.
  16. I did one. No problems.
  17. I have a Kylo....
  18. Nope never! I'm a little over 6'5" and have no problems. There's a 6'8" scout around here somewhere. Scout armour is forgiving. No matter what vendor you go with you shouldn't have a problem with the hard parts.
  19. Looks good. I would clean the glue up around the dog bone and paint the soles a solid wheat color. I'd make the horizontal groove a bit wider. Again that's me.
  20. You lucky sucker! I've looked and looked for a pair! I'm focused on the Hi-tecs right now.
  21. From the production helmet and some screen grabs the snout looks to be painted a third of the way around the snout.
  22. I'd try and even up the drop boxes. The back side is lower than the front. Nice build.
  23. Yes the screen used boots had the horizontal rib. As for scaling I wear a 10.5 and I just went with the screen used boots the best I could That's what most of do. As loom as you keep it clean and even you'll be happy with the out come. Scaling that would be tricky.
  24. Here's the color you want.
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