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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. Nope,it's a rather small bucket. I own 2 of them.
  2. There's no year wait on the MLC. Your thinking armor wise. If you get a MLC and are located in the states it'll be at your door in two weeks. Spike makes a very fine helmet.
  3. The elevator bolts will pass. I might be able to help you with the 3m bolts if you desire.
  4. I maybe able to help you out. If I can let me know.
  5. I just use plain yelllow foam from walmart in all my buckets.
  6. Just Velcro up the back the cod piece goes between the legs and velcros under the back of the bund. Thats it
  7. Stay away from KS. Youll spend more on parts from other vendors trying to get more accurate armor pieces. Helmets run around 350 completed to 400 completed.
  8. That really wouldn't cancel it out.
  9. That might not work that easy. I know a few guys were shut down over some TFA armor. I'd problay just leave well enough when it comes to more less infringing on a prop. Right now it's a licensed thing.
  10. Take your time. Don't rush it. Those are the keys. Don't let the tank get to you my daughters WTF kit I learnt a lot about not rushing it. It took me a month to make the tank and helmet seamless. After seeing the two and three day builds I was stoked! Now I've constructed 7 five piece helmets.
  11. Is the white one a MLC piece also? If so when they start casting the riser and snout in one piece? I would go with the white one. If not you'll have to make a riser plate for the gray one.
  12. Some good car polish a buffing compound. I don't know what you guys have over there but I use turtle wax. Also if you wanna know some of those deeper scratches out use a 1200 grit or higher sandpaper wet.
  13. You have two screw covers taped to the mic tip there "kinda hidden" That's what you use to cover the bolts, unless you wanna go with the 3m's. Yes trooperbay is the go to for the decals.
  14. I'm buying a set of Altmanns armor! Bottom line!
  15. David I don't think there is right now. I know there's a couple of guys working on new biker scout armor. I really don't know how the sizes will run right now. Dont hold me to it but I think KS might be a bit bigger than SC.
  16. I now some guys in my detachment in the rebel legion have what your looking for.
  17. Looks good! If it gets to buggin you just slap some abs paste sand and polish with novus.
  18. Yup I had the same problem. One of the two things you can do is take the holster off and trim it a bit more,but by the looks of it you may not be able to pull that off. I could be wrong. Two is if you have the piece that broke off and little super glue and a piece of old white t-shirt will do the trick. Just put the piece back in a little glue to hold it in place then add the fabric. It's poor man fiberglass. I've done both.
  19. Well FAC is at least a 6 month plus wait. Sc is about 2 weeks. Faraway is MC. The armor is more accurate than the SC,but SC is super nice. I use a mix of SC and MC. The helmet I would use rustolem acrylic enamel. That's the brand that is primed with. Dig around the board and you can get a abs helmet already painted a nice gloss white. Seek Spike here on the boards.
  20. Nice! I remember when I painted my MLC its was the first one I ever painted and I was scared to death!
  21. Forgot to add the paste will not harm the decals at all!
  22. You guys got it! I'm a vintage Star Wars mega collector and I was always running into "yellowed" items. So I used retrobrite yes it worked good. Here's the Steps 1 Go to the store whatever it maybe Wal-mart ect 2 Buy the cheap brown bottle peroxide it's only 3% peroxide the rest is just water 3 Buy a tub of Colgate optic white 4 Mix the two at 80/20 80 toothpaste 20% peroxide 5 Apply with a nice soft brush Walmart has a nice set with a medium sized brush in for about 4 bucks 6 Apply a even coat. 7 Let it set in your room,closet wherever as long as it isn't in the sun. 8 Give it a day or two clean paste off with a soft damp towel. 9 Patience is key It may take 2 applications two get what you need. I had a MC helmet that yellowed on me. So I thought retrobrite. Then I got to thinking about my log truck!!! Yeah I own my log trucks. One is a pearl white well she yellowed on me I was thinking great here's another ten grand! The Dallas Texas truck expo was coming up I needed a fix quick. I watched a YouTube video on fiberglass cleaner for RV's and that got me to thinking. So I sent the wife out to get 10 tubes of it. I tried it on the hood and BAM there's was the show truck shine back! My Ducati 1199 is white I ride in the summer a lot so I tried it on the plastics and it worked perfect I had the gloss white back just like the day I got it off the show room floor. So I moved onto some old junk yellow MC armor I bought from a man for next to nothing and gave it a try. It took 3 days but it looks just like it did the day they put it in the box. Please don't be a goof and go buy straight peroxide! It's a acid that at 90% can eat right through aluminum. I use it at 25% to clean my wheels and fuel tanks on my trucks every weekend. Keep in mind the brown bottle stuff is never over 3% peroxide the rest is just plain old water.
  23. I don't use retrobrite. There's a another much easier way to do it. I'm not posting it here because I started a huge fight over on one of the Facebook collector pages. If you have just the slightest common sense you can do it. All from Walmart for less than 8 bucks. It'll also turn the yellow paint on a fiberglass bucket back to it orginal look.
  24. Have you seen these? http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=12429
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