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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. He's quick getting it out the door. Now shipping is slow from Bolivia. I have his vest,under suit,bund and bucket. Very happy with all of it. He custom fits it to you,make sure you get the measurements right.
  2. "So your taller than Vader". I get that a lot. Lol
  3. Looking good.
  4. If your talking about pouches I think everybody around here says one rib width on both sides. I'm referring to the ribs on the bund. That's the way I wear mine along with most of the other guys I meet.
  5. Yup,that's all they are. You have SC armor I thought they came with the kit. My did.
  6. http://www.501st.com...hp?userID=16323 I made it! Now I'm just waiting on everthing to get done.
  7. I'd pick up one of those tank toppers in a heart beat if you go ahead with it. Very nice work!
  8. This place is laid back,not like a few other non SW sites I belong to. Nobodys gonna treat you like a red headed step child.
  9. That I am 6'7" and it's very hard to get this stuff to set right,thanks for the link.
  10. Love to get my hands on a LW! Anybody what my bucket?
  11. I hate to hijack this thread and go a bit off topic,first of all I love my cucblack bucket. My problem was I didn't know what primer he used. So sanded it down and hit it with rustoleum gloss white and wet sanded and repeated the process around 8 times with no luck at getting the same glossy white as my armor. I ended up with a very,very light gloss on it. So the moral is never mix the paints and primers. cucblack can you please post what primer you use?
  12. Here it is again. I went back and fixed all the goofs I made,also rounded off the bells,had to be a bit careful on mine,my arms are a little big and I'm really broad across my shoulders. Plus as you can tell I'm a torso. Also did a little better job on the boots. I tip my hat to Marcel for his MAD cobbler skills.
  13. Cucblacks are super nice since the color change! Love Trooperbays also!
  14. Thanks for the info. I'm gonna take the pictures tommrow and post em up back up with all things corrected. I'm gonna fix the boxes from the inside of them to try and keep em corrected.
  15. Got it. Thanks for all the help. I'll get to doing the adjusting tonight and post a few more pictures before I submit my my stuff to the 501st.
  16. Thought I would add. Suit,bun,vest,and bucket are by cucblack,armor is SC. Boot I did myself and before anybody ask my blaster is on its way.
  17. Found just what I was looking for! Thanks for the pics!
  18. Nice! Where could I land those speeder bike pieces?
  19. Thanks. I had just finished my armor Friday morning I still amazed at what people will do. A bit depressing,but I'll order new parts to replace what I lost.
  20. Yup, I had my wife and 4 kids with us so I didn't have a chance to suite up and introduce myself. I was ready to send my pics to the Star GML I live in Southeast Oklahoma on the Texas line. It won't let me pm you via iPhone,so here what I had.SC armor my tank was flush with the back plate my tank decals were bounty troopers. It happened at the Loves at exit 70 off 30. Anything else you wanna know please ask.
  21. Hey just want to give everyone a heads up, my chest and back plate was stolen along with my all my arm armor. The back plate,inside has a metal tag riveted to it with my name and address. If any was to see it or know anything what so ever please let me know. I still have my helmet,belt,knees and soft armor. I know its a shot in the dark. I just wanted to get it out there.
  22. Thats what I was thinking. I cant seem to find a darker gray in laqucer. Big thanks Chef.
  23. Is the snout and bolt covers a darker gray or is it just regular primer gray? I have a fiberglass bucket and I have to deal with laquer paint. I wanna get it right the first time. Any help would be great.
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