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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. Welcome! And pass on that helmet, everything is wrong with it & you don't want to do any kind of bussiness with Star Fortress. You see that name stay away far away!!! Next the suit is ok, but for the price & the mods needed you might want to pass too. You can buy a RedKapp work coverall shipped for under $40. If you have basic sewing skills you can find tutorials here to make a basic or Lancer quality suit cheaper than that racing suit. Do your homework here. The ridingsuit is not just any ole black jumpsuit. There are lots of mods needed to make it a basic 501st riding suit. Collar tab, remove all pockets, add 2" elastic to the theighs & lets not forget the riding patch & mud flap. You can't go wrong with SC for the armor. Great service! had my kit in hand in 6 days. None of this if you want the best you gotta wait(18mo) crap. The helmet is a decent size too. Recently I placed my KS next to an SC & they were almost the same size. So why not get the kit & helmet from SC together. If your not the sewing type, there are people here who can make it for you. Just need to know where to look
  2. Most people make their own boots. Look at the tutorial here, it's very easy to follow. Base boots cost $20+ depending on what you get. I bought Brahma Boots from Walmart $29 & a yard of white vinyl another $20. E6000 $4 & box of pins $2. So i have $55 in my boots & a couple days work. Just go find a comfortable pair of tan work boots. NOT military type, they have the wrong sole. Doesn't matter if the sole is 2 tone, that can be painted with acrylic hobby paint($1). Everyone is dead set on finding single color soles, but they are very hard to find. So painting is a quicker fix. After you find a boot you like touch the sole with your thumb. Does it give? If yes this is a good boot as it will be easy to cut. My wife's base boot came with a single color sole but its too hard to cut so she'll never make Lancer with is ok with her. Nothing major & its resl easy. Read & follow the directions.
  3. I tried the natural weathering, but some hiw ended uo with orange, green, red & blue marks. I wet sanded it all off the other day for pictures. Now Im too clean.
  4. I like it. Im about to weather my armor.
  5. Welcome! Another tall scout. Last year I made a couple scout suits for guys that were 6'7 & 6'5
  6. I started with a Kenner blaster. Just cut off the trigger & repaint. Will pass for basic approval sine the blaster is optional. I have a picture of mine under weapons next to an unknown resin copy, a "nerf", & a Hyperfirm to compare sizes.
  7. Yea, Manoah is my buddy & I love trooping with him. But apparently he was lost in the swamps of Dagobah for a lil too long.
  8. Hey Everyone, I need some help here. I made a couple friends all the soft parts for thier TBs. But they weathered thiers & I looked WAAAAAAYYY too clean next to them. One of them was a lil too much "dirty" for my taste, but the other seemed more "realistic". So I was wondering if those of you with weathered armor could post a pic or 2 of your weathering so I can get an idea.
  9. I use RedKap coveralls in all my mods, Biker, Tie, XWing & Scanning Crew. But Im guessing your more concerned about color fading. I've wore my Tie Pilot since 2009 & it still looks black. My Scout has seen more wear & tear as I've wore if steadliy for the last 2 years. I normally wash it about every other troop(unless I sweat alot. Then it goes in the wash soon as I get home) & hang to dry. If you like I can post pics of my Biker suit next to an unmoded RedKap suit as Im making a few right now & have access to a new RedKap.
  10. Stay away from the second link. He has been banned from selling here onthe BSN due to outstanding orders.
  11. Looks good, I love my ZV Boots!
  12. I'll be wearing them in Anaheim for those who want a closer look.
  13. Hey All, I was cruising the older links & I cam across one at the very top that needs updating. it's for the pouch templates. The "front" pic was deleted. Admins can that thread be updated to include the proper picture for all our up & coming Scouts? Once it's fixed this can be deleted. Thanks Joe
  14. Looks good! Can't wait to see the finished boots.
  15. A friend of mine made a scout blaster for me, but it was a lil undersized. He has since corrected the size. I belive he has made a few for himself. Wanna say he found the files online. His printer is at his house & about a 2' cube. He said it was a fairly decent model for him & what he does with it.
  16. If your doing at home, that weight is too thick for a regular sewing machine. It can be done, but be prepared to have seral HD 16g needs on hand. You will have to go EXTREMLY SLOW & I MEAN SLOW, still you will break needles. Think I broke 4 on my 1st suit with 3.5oz suede. I now use 1.5-2oz pig suede on all my suits. Much easier to pin in place & a whole lot easier to work with. You can find large pieces on ebay for around $20. I bought some last week (apx 5sq feet for $25)
  17. Wheels are always better. Roller tub from Lowes. http://www.lowes.com/pd_336429-1156-9124SR_4294707881__?productId=3355634&Ns=p_product_qty_sales_dollar|1&pl=1&currentURL=%3FNs%3Dp_product_qty_sales_dollar|1&facetInfo=
  18. You have to remember RedKap Coveralls are work coveralls & made to be worn over your pants. That is why they have the slip through hip pocketd. That is meant for you to get to you regular pant pockets. The numeric size is your chest size. The legs are wide to compesate for your reg pants. The legs will need to be taken in about an inch & half. If you read above i gave a way to get the perfect size. GO TRY ON A DRESS COAT! This is the size you need to buy. If your over 6' get the long. As the legs, arms & torso are about 2" longer. You have to check the box regular or long when you order, so don't know how you can mess that up. 3 boxes you have to check when ordering. 1 COLOR 2 CHEST SIZE 3 REG or LONG. I cant be any more clear to get the perfect size.
  19. I have a holster strap on both sets of my boots. Its not "approved" but i paid alot of money for my blasters & I donn't want some kid to sneak up behind me & steal my gun. So I prefer this lil added security. All I did was go to Walmart & buy a pack of double sided velcro wire ties.(found in the sewing section) They are used to secure large buches of wires from a tv, blu ray, surround sound ect. Came in a pack of 5 for like $2. All I did was apply a dab of 5min epoxy(any glue will work) & pressed the velcro onto the dab of glue. The velcro wraps around the blaster handle. Hardly noticeable unless your looking just for that.
  20. Welcome Brock, One of the best thing about wearing the Scout Trooper costume is when everyone is hot & sweaty from a troop & they have to remove their helmet we can just lift up our face plate to get air. But the most important thing is during a long troop & all the shiney Stormtroopers are standing around we can SIT DOWN! PROS- Ok seriously those are two good pros. But honestly you can make a Biker Scout in about a months time. SC is great on getting armor out. I paid & had my box of armor in hand 6 days later. If you know how to sew or know someone who does & complete set of Biker Scout soft parts can be made in a day. If everyone(my family) leaves me alone I can turn out 3-4 riding suits a day. Vest & bunds are a lil harder & I like to take my time so I do 1 a day. But actually take me about 4hrs each. boots if rushed can be made in about 3-4 days time. You can find the boot tutorial here under "Boots" The costume is really comfortable. Wanna say the longest I've been in costume is 5hrs straight. I've walked in 2 XMas parades with no issue. I personally have close to 20 costumes & I can say the Scout is my favorite right now. (Dream costume in the works right now. All parts ordered. RotJ Boba Fett by summer) No "Armor Hickies" can honestly say I've never been pinched in the wrong palce from wearing this costume. My wife wore her Sandtrooper for 6hrs at San Diego Comic Con & it looked like I beat her when she took it off. She had purple bruises in between her theighs, underarms, arms & neck. Its less hard armor & can fit in a smaller tub, which makes for easier tranportaion. Cons -Some of the armor is a lil small. I bought my original costume 2nd hand & remade all the soft parts so Im not sure of the maker. But the chest plate is small, but the knees, biceps & forearms are big. (Im not the smallest trooper) I ordered a new set of SC armor couple months back & it had some smaller parts. But the main chest palte was apx 2" bigger than my old kit. So I will mix match my 2 kits into one & use the smaller parts for my wifes TB. There is also a Buyer Beware out right now on a certain helmet vendor. He has taken peoples money & not delivered. Read the info on vendors & you'll come across another vendor who may have bad pulls in recent times. There is no one perfect costume. To each his own. Like I said I have lots of costumes, but don't wear some due to gaining weight or just retireing it. A question was raised here a while back asking why you wanted to be a Biker Scout. My answer palin & simple was "I don't fit in my TK anymore" The Stomrtrooper "IS" Star Wars, but you go to any con & there a countless Stormtroopers walking around. Not as many Scout, so we tend to stand out. That oddball costume seems to get all the attention. So choose on what is your favorite charecter. Like I said Boba Fett has always been my dream costume. But it was always out of my price range. It's easy to drop $1000 a year on a costume. $3000 my wife tends to notice bills not getting paid. But luckily I recently received a large back pay check & I asked if I could finally have my Boba. Obviously I have the BEST WIFE IN THE WORLD cuz she said yes. Whats your favorite charecter in the Star Wars Universe & make that costume. Because nothing feels better than dressing up as your favorite charecter & seeing all the faces light up.
  21. I would say on your head is a good start😋
  22. Drill out the pilot holes, Then use a rotary tool with a cutting disc & connect the dots. Use a small file to smooth out.
  23. Is someone really gonna be looking at your butt that close? Because you can't tell the difference. I've ordered lots of suede & always use pig because its easier to work with. The first Lancer suit I made was with cow leather, I switched to pig because it's easier to work with. Both look & feel the same. Plus every order I've placed has come with a large piece of black suede, No Porky, Bacon, MMM MMM Good, Oink Oink, or any other kind of marking that says its made out of pig.
  24. If you dont pinch it so close it wont look as bad. Your last pic us how it should sit. I hear you got an awesome Lancer Suit.
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