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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. What Bobik said. I drew 2 "C"s with a black ball point pen then slowly went over it with the machine. just use your big toe to press down on the foot pedal.
  2. Here's one I made out of a Radica video game.
  3. Nice. Did you leave the end cap/lid fuctional? You can line the inside of the container with felt & secure the cap/lid with the strap & use as a wallet to hold your money, cell phone, keys ect while you troop.
  4. Hi Nicole, I just made my wife's bund & hers measure 11" tall. When wearing the bund with the chest plate, the bund should rise about an inch higher than the bottom of the cheast plate. It should come even with the top of side strap holding the front & back armor together.
  5. Hi Jennifer, Ok, Im not a woman but I just built my wifes Biker Scout costume in a couple days. She's 5'7 & 115lbs with 36DD breast. I told her normally I love her big breast except this week while Im trying to build her costume. The armor breast (MC)plate & back are fine & cover her perfectly. You can't even tell shes a woman under there until you see her walk. I have to modify her forearm & take down the shoulder bells a lil. But the rest is fine. I originally had bought me a new SC kit with the intention of making me a new scout. But I noticed that some of the parts were smaller than what I had on my old kit. I think it was an early version MC. So her's ended up being a mismatch of SC & MC & KS. As for modifying all that is really needed is to take a rotary tool or Dremel & sand down the edges of the plastic to make smaller. The parts I did modify only required me to remove 1/4" or less all the way around. This was on the forearms, shoulder bells & holster. The holster required the most modification. I had to take off about 3/4" all the way around to fit her little boot. The rest was fine. The SC kit comes ready to assemble & everything you need to put the kit together is included. The reason I hated her breat on this build was I was pressed for time (Celebration) & I had to guesstamte on most of her soft parts. I make all 501st approved soft parts for the Biker Scout, but I normally make them for men. So I used my same measurrments process for her. I have to pull tight the bund & vest to close cuz of her breast. Luckily it came out snug but fit. As for investing money, if you can sew you can save yourself some dollars. If not your looking about $1000-$1200 for a 501st approved costume. SC armor/helmet kit will run you $670, soft parts if you don't know how to sew $400+(depending who you go with) Boots $50-$75, blaster $50+, glues & epoxys apx $20 This is her in her costume. Looking at the pics, she's on the right in all pictures. the group pic of "Girl Scouts" she on the far right with her eyes closed.
  6. Because SC isn't affliated with the 501st. They make a great kit & have great service. But they made & molded thier bucks before we had all these hi def pics & could determin the correct sizes of everything. Just open the slot a lil more to fit the elastic.
  7. Put the suede side out on both the mud flap & the riding patch. As for the fold, don't need to fold anything. Cut your shape & sew directly on the jumpsuit.
  8. Find a pattern or shape you like. I make mine out of one piece. Fold in half & mark this line with a ball point pen. Lay the jumpsuti flat & open the legs wide. Now line this pen line up with the center seam of the jumpsuit & pin in place. Once done have someone hold tge jumpsuit up & see if both leg parts of the riding patch are even. Is yes start sewing in place, if not readjust until right.
  9. I have "hook" velcro sewn onto the shoulders of my vest & the loop stuck on the underside of my shoulder bell. Never once had a problem with any kind of bunching.
  10. That is Wampa Wears ebay site.
  11. The cumberbund will stop just under your breast, So your hourglass figure will not come into play. I think I read some where your around 5'6-5'7ish. My wife is 5'7 & has 36DD, flat tummy & lil toosh. The bund sits just above the hip bone & just under her breast. On my wife it's about 11" tall. Im 5'8 & my bund is 13" So there is no need to make a trapazoid bund. When wearing it should sit on the top of the hips with the bottom hidden by the belt. the top will be even with the bottom of the chest/back armor. Not much if any should be sticking above the strap holding the front & back armor together.
  12. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-Biker-Scout-Gloves-/201025901281?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item2ece13d2e1 This is what everyone uses. Just check back later if your size is out of stock.
  13. Kelsy, I would say get those & use til you can find a better pair. For $10 & a couple bucks of vinyl you can't go wrong. They will surfice til a better pair can be found. Plus it can be your trial pair. So when you do find the right pair you will have made all your mistakes on these cheap boots. Who knows they might turn out really good & they become your trooping boots. I was lucky enough to find a pair or womens work boots at a discount store here for $14. That is what I made my wife's boots from. The boots are what I was dredding. But alas they were really really easy to make. Just make a couple test patterns with paper before you comit to cutting the vinyl.
  14. The Scout should have the manufacture date on a molded "plate" on the back of the helmet neck area. The stormtrooper doesn't look like a 78 version. That version had solid plastic eyes with holes drilled in them to see. Kinda making a screen. Wasn't til the reissue in the late 90's that they replaced that for clear plastic lenses. Ok my bad. I went & looked at the 78' Dont Post Stormtrooper helmet. It seems that the lenses were as I stated, solid plastic with holes drilled in them, but they were not molded with the helmet. There were glued in later. So yes, you do in fact have a 78' or early 80s' Don Post Stomrtrooper helmet.
  15. Chirs. We can prob work something out & I just put it in the box with your jumpsuit. Send me a PM of exactly what you need.
  16. Why don't you just but the SC helmet kit & call it good. I have a KS & SC & they are pretty close in size.
  17. My wife has long legs too & the 36 reg fits her fine. But if you really think you have unusually long legs, go with a 36 long. http://www.automotiveworkwear.com/RedKap/CT10/coveralls.html
  18. Mt wife is 5'7 & 115lbs, 36DD. She wears a size 36 in Redkap, fits her perferct. No butchering needed. Just the regular mods to make it 501st approvable.
  19. Either of those suits will work, as both need the same mods. You will need to remove all the outer pockets & if there are any "pass through hip pockets these will have to be sewn closed. If the Dickies has the hammer loop on the leg, the leg will have to be opened up & thay loop removed. (save all pocket material) Next the collar has to be modded. A collar tab has to be added. Take one of the larger removed pockets & make a 2"'x4" rectangle & sew directley onto the upturned collar. Now for a better look, cut the collar off & leave about an inch sticking up. Buy some black material & make a new collar apx 5"x26" Heam the edges & fold over to make a 2"x24" long rectangle. Starting at the right side pin over the old collar & work your way around. You will have about a 4"-5" left over this is used as the Mandarin pull away that is seen on all the jumpsuits in the Star wars movies. Add velcro to both ends. You will add 2" elastic to both upper theighs & add the riding patch over these. Either in faux suede(micro fiber) or real suede. Last you will add a rectangle of the same material you used for the riding patch to the butt area as your mud flap. This varies in size & depends on your body size. Last thing coverall are made big because they are made to be worn over your regular day clothing. So you may want to take in thelegs about 2".
  20. If you use velcro less is more. I originally put a long strip on the cheek & about 3" piece on the faceplate. Yea it held down nicely, but I could not get it open to save the life of me. I took off both strips & placed about a 1" square on both pieces. Now it secures nice & I can lift my faceplate with little effort. So I reccomend placing a 1" square on the cheeks & faceplate on both sides. FYI you will want to put the "Hook" or hard velcro on the cheek facing away from you. Don't want that scratching your facce everytime you close the faceplate.
  21. I would steer clear of Evolution Props. A few years ago I bought a "custom made" to my measurements Tie Pilot suit from him. Well after 4mo of waiting I asked where is my suit. He says Oh it was just shipped out. A few days later I receive an empty bag, no rips or tears. It was sealed empty from Argentina & sent to me. I threaten him with a Ebay/Paypal claim & magicly another bag shows up 4 days later with a Tie Pilot suit in it. But the suit is so small I can't even close the wrists. There is a warning about him over in the Jolly Roger Squadron.
  22. PM sent with SC link
  23. I remeber seeing my 1st Scout at San Diego Comic Con around 2005. I took notice of the white rubber boots & thought Ok. Then I saw another Scout at Celebration V & thought what the heck is that on his butt & theighs. Thats when I dove into the research & found all the new "upgrades" to the costume.
  24. Lou to the rescue! DV makes a great blaster, can't go wrong.
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