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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. I dont use fans in my Scout. I have them In my Tie Pilot, but the amount of noise vs the air i just leave them off.
  2. Your not the only one 😆
  3. You just need a basic sewing machine from Walmart for around $75-$100. Nothing fancy, you dont need all that extra electronics & gadgets on it. Just a simple machine will do wonders. My machine cost under $100 & I've made almost 100 scout suits with it.
  4. I have a Hyperfirm & love it. I was in a XMas parade & i jumped off the float. As i came down the holster sheered the scope right off. The scope is only held on by 2 points of glue. I took 4 fish hooks & straightined them out, pushed into the contact points then used 5min 2 part epoxy & secured with zip ties over night. Scope never coming off now 😉
  5. Looks Good to me
  6. My daughter(IN-52493) is my main trooping partner. She dresses me, we go in this order. Jumpsuit Knees Boots Cumberbund Vest Chest & Back Armor Belt & TD Shoulder Bells Biceps Forearms Balaclava Helmet Gloves
  7. Just get a paper mask & wear safty glasses. E-6000 works great.
  8. Instead of trying to fill int he 2 holes & make a new in the center. I would cut them off just bihind & drill the center hole. Looks like you have plenty of plastic there.
  9. I would leave them long, unless they are way too long coming down to your elbows. My sleeves are about 1" longer than my shoulder bell. But I fold them up & they are fine. The elastic holds in place & I've never had an issue. If you can post some picvs to help us better guage your issue.
  10. Im not too sure about the boot sole front. I thought for Lancer they had to be knotched out as weel. Marcel can clarify
  11. Full instruction sent!!!
  12. Looks very sloppy. Did you make this from scratch or just cut up a tshirt? Will you eventually heam the neck? Also looks too short. The vest tucks into the bund.
  13. 6', 150lbs!? Thought my boy was skinny, 6'2 120lbs hehe. Wish i had that problem though. Anyhoo back on topic. The SC kit comes in shiny white. It will be fine with any helmat. Besides after a few troops you may want to weather it & any differences will be unnoticable. I left my kit "natural" for 2 years. Then I took pics next to my buddies who weathered theirs. OMG! I was too clean & weathered mine on my next day off. im the extra clean one on the right.
  14. The NI helmet pooped up a lil over yaer ago. It looks really nice & is good size. Look in the helmet section & you will find a review from a member who bought one. As for KS I wear one & love it. I can't actually remeber who I got it from, but it has been a few years & their pulls were still good. I have heard sevral stories about bad pull in recent times. But if you can find a prebuilt jump on it. They come up FS here every couple months. With XMas coming up Im sure 1 or 2 will be listed shortly. The Sc is a nice helmet too, lil smaller compared to the KS. My wife has the SC helmet. It looks great, but like I said smaller. From the outside it looks comparable in size to the KS. But when you put it on thats when you can feel the size difference. CB made a great looking helmet, but he has since been banned from here for not delivering.(so stay away from CB) But if you find one second hand, jump on it. Now I see your in France, you mite want to look into an Altemans from Spike. My Budddy has one & he loves it, he Says lots of room. The CB & Altemans are for bigger guys. My frined is about 6'2 & well over 300 pounds so he loves his CB. (took almost 2yrs to arrive) If your a an average size guy go for the complete SC kit/helmet. It looks beautiful once assemblemd. Marcel is on your side of the pond, so he can help out with soft goods & boots if your not handy with a sewing machine. But if you know your way around a sewing machine I can walk you step by step on how to make a Lancer Specs soft goods. If this is your intention in the long run, mite as well make it Lancer from the get go. Will save time & money rather than converting later
  15. I apologize myself. I may have come off a lil strong. But if you ask about a certin item listen to the "uppers". They have been around a long time & know their stuff. They know every maker of armor, helmet & soft goods. Its best to read & do your research. There are great, good & stay the hell away vendors. SF make the most gid ugly costumes out there. If you do a lil digging you will find out why he's in the Phillipines. As i understand you were looking at this in trade. Tell the other person you'll pass. Are you looking at getting yourself into a Scout? Can't go wring with ab SC kit. Jeff also gives a break on the helmet kit if you buy all together. He has great communication & awesome delivery time. I ordered my wife's kit frim him & it was on my doorstep 6 days later. If your looking just to have a scout bucket on display post a pic of your clone helmet here in the F/S section. Im sure someone will want to trade for a decent clone. Most if us have upgraded our kits & have sevral helmets. I myself have 4 different maker helmets. Sorry again. Drop me a PM & i can steer you in the right direction from Basic Scout to Lancer.
  16. Come on dude, you have Command Staff telling you what this is & to pass. But your still not convinced so make the trade & see for yourself what a p.o.s. this is.
  17. That ugly snout gives it away. Starfortress or recast of a Starfortress. Ugliest things out there.
  18. Congrats! Now lets rack up those troops.
  19. Ended up using acrylic paints in a couple differnt browns. Bloted on heavy then wiped off with a damp paper towel. Lil heavier on the boots & lighter as I went up. In most pics you can't even tell it's weathered unless you blow up the pic. Looking at the pic, Im on the right.
  20. I normally wear a med/Lg glove. But I have a pair of XL Wampa Wear gloves & these are super tight. I can get my hand in there, fingers look like black sausages. Even the cuffs are snug to my forearms. My Tie Pilot guantlets are med. so just some food for thought.
  21. Im the exact same height & weight as Bowfanny. My chest, back/hump, knees, TD & drop boxes are SC. Helmet & belt are KS & I think my arm armor is MC. The only part that mite look too small is the bicep armor from SC. The rest should be fine. My wife has an SC kit, so I've compared hers with mine & this is the only part that is way off in size.
  22. Looks much better.
  23. I've made close to 100 scout riding suits, several of them Lancer & never once had to hem anything.
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