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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Chunk

  1. Purple is different. Normally with age armor turns yellow.
  2. No doesnt matter. I've made suits with cow, pig & deer hides. You just want the thickness to be 1.5-2 guage. Thicker than 3 & you will have a hard time sewing it.
  3. Any pics? Did your jumpsuit "bleed" onto it? You might try SUPER FINE wet/dry sand paper. I had some orange & red stains on mine. I took some very very fine wet/dry sand paper to it. I used water with a few drops of sish soap & soaked the sandpaper in it for a few seconds & then lightly sanded the whole thing.
  4. How hot is it in Utah today? I did mine when it was in the 90s & only had the boots in the car for just over an hour. Pull, repin & set overnight. Repete the next 2 days.
  5. Pic showed fine. just need to click on it. Nice Sniper Rifle. I have a question. Does the stock colapse? it looks too long to sit in your shoulder.
  6. Look at my 2nd pic you can see the heel. The new notch has a line runnimng through it.
  7. Slap some dark brown (mud) & tans (dirt) on your boots & call it good. If done right your boots will look weathered & no more worries. Just dont go over board & make a whole brown boot. I used .50 acrylic paints from Walmart on mine. Couple drops of paint mixed with few drops of water & dabbed on with a paper towl & then took off with a damp paper towl. Keep a wet towl next to you in case you put too much on. It being acrylic paint its water soluable & can be taken all off with the wet towl.
  8. Just toss all that used vinyl. Buy another yard & start over. Also before you begin pull off as much of the old glue as possible. When you get the vinyl stretched good & tight everything under will show. Don't want any unwanted lumps showing. I see your laces are untied. Did you put on the boot & lace them up so you can slip your foot in & out. Once the vinyl is on you wil not be able to pull on the laces. Should look like this. 1st strech, 2nd, 3rd & final with excess cut off.
  9. Wont pass. You didn't strech them enough. Your gonna have to start over. Either by the "hot car" method or with a heat gun on low. Pin in place & strech as much as possible "cold". Now heat, unpin & pull on 1 side & repin, then do other side. Leave over night & repeat at least 3x. So the streching process will take 3 days. The readon for leaving over night is to let it cool & keep the new shape. Do the same for other boot.
  10. Glueing the tank & making the rivit is acceptable. My tank is glued on & I dont even have the "cosmetic" rivit. Are you going for Basic or Lancer? Not sure of tge requirments for Lancer. It may be needed. In that case you can glue the rivit on like you stated.
  11. Yea, what Jim said Thats one of my suits & I took the pics. We just threw it on for quick pics to see how everything fit together. As for the chin, Matt is wearing a chin cup, so it's not his skin you see. I told him the boxes were too low & we figured out how to raise them without "major" alterations. The suspenders are my "back ups" & just used for the pics. They aret too long that is whay we could not get the bund in the propper place. Matt ordered smaller/thiner ones already. Normally I have plenty of foam arround here to stuff in the pouches. But making so many suits for Celebration I ran out. So we stuffed some rags in there. The greeblie is upside down & I can't take credit for that one He'll have to pop it off & place in the correct position. Soon as we get the right stuff & Matt finds the time to drive down we can take some propper pictures.
  12. Removal of all outer pockets, leg utility pocket removed, then leg sewn closed, Collar tab added or replacement of entire collar, 2" elastic around the thighs, faux suede (micro fiber) riding patch & mud flap for basic approval, Lancer Specs require real leather suede for mud flap & riding patch, take legs in apx 1 1/2". These are all mods necasarry to convert a Redkap work coverall into a 501st approved Biker Scout Riding Suit.
  13. There is an original Altemans for sale right now on the main forum. $500 #89 in the original run.
  14. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=12657&st=0
  15. The Rothco is all wrong. There are too many zippers & the pockets are "internal" meaning the zipper opens into a sack on the inside of the jumpsuit. If you can return it do so. If not use it for work around tge house. Buy a Redkap coverall & save yourself a lot of headache.
  16. I would shy away from Gorilla Glue. It expands as it sets. You'd hate to think you got it just right only to come back the next day and find that your greeblie is surrounded by brown hard glue.
  17. I used Walmart brand spray paint, .98 a can. I use it on all my props.
  18. Im not sure if SC gives refunds. It not a real store, but someone making armor in his spare time. I would suggest one of your squade mates who has an SC & ask if you can try it on.
  19. I use a 2 part 5 minute epoxy to glue my greeblies on. Never had an issue.
  20. The belt & TD come with the hard armor kits. If you go with SC you can buy the armor kit & Jeff gives you a break on the helmet kit. The SC kit comes with everything you need hard armor wise. Jeff's delivery time & communication is great. Gloves you can buy from WampaWear through his website or on his Ebay store. Blaster you can contact Darth Vhoories. He was in the process of moving so he may not be taking orders right now. Best to put this as your last item to buy this way your ready when DV is up & running again. Boots are fairly easy to make if you take your time. Took me 3 days to make my wifes boots. The base boot can be found anywhere. I've seen 1 colored soles at Big 5 Sporting Goods for under $30. Some people here are ordering a 1 color sole boot from Kmart.com for around the same price. If you can't find 1 color soled boots get the 2 color & use an acrylic paint(Walmart or any hobby store .50-$2) to paint the soles. As for the jumpsuit, vest & cummberbund normally you can buy all from the same maker. Just need to know who to ask
  21. I just used the width of the ruler or yard stick I was using. Comes out perfect!
  22. Are you modifying a Dickies work coverall? The chest pockets will be coverd by the flakvest & can be left there. How ever the utility pocket on the leg will have to be removed. The slash hip pockets can be left open as the belt will keep these closed. Havn't seen a Dickies in a while, & can't remember if they have the open slash pockets in the front hips. If so these will have to be sewn closed. These are work coverall & made to be worn over your normal day clothing so they might have an open slash to get to your regular pants while wearing.
  23. That will work fine once you dye it. Just make sure once you take the pockets off, you place them in the same dye batch as the coverall. You want tit o be the same black as the coverall.
  24. Guten Tag , Chris Wofuer schaust du genau und was brauchst du. Du kannst ruhig in Deutsch schreiben, meine Frau ist deutsche und will es fuer mich uebersetzen.
  25. Chris, type in German exactly what you need & I will translate tonight after work.
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