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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TB-7076

  1. One thing is for sure the armor tip is raised so that you have enough room for movement. The CGI characters are not always built after real life mechanisms so we cannot know if the designer ever thought that far as he probably never made a costume himself. That we can see in various aspects of the CGI characters. I think some sort of felxible system as you propose which can be tied to the ring thing we see at the seides might work indeed. I think a major problem is the tip to ankle relation in the movement. As the shape itself stays rigid it might look a bit awkward in extreme positions.
  2. Shoulders are also of the squary type like GMs use. As Jay already pointed out. GM and BARCs share a lot of the features. For example both have similar pant patterns execept for the barc's extra - the riding pads. But the leg pouches are of the same design. Except for the general composition scout and barc share noting - even their task and equippment is different.
  3. Lucas Arts turned out to have the worst interpretations of the on screen characters - I wouldn't ever use any of their stuff except for details we can't see in the movies. Really if I were art director at Lucas Arts I'd really step on some artists toes for what they've done to the uniforms. And that can't be justified with time issues - it's just not careing for details but using the next best reference and not looking closely. Nowadays the graphic possibilities are so advanced you can really get close to real life details even with lowpoly models so th excuse it's just a game and needs to be toned down doesn't work anymore. I have worked for several game modifications one just hitting the shelves as a full feature product and I have to say there is much mor possible seeing how fan made games are often of higher quality than full price products. So use renders and movie stills - the barc can be recreated just using them. Actually you got very good scenes with the Barc compared to other clone types.
  4. I'd do another run but it seems already close. Just a tad too bright in the tan areas. Is that woodland?
  5. Well the boot base is very different from that of the scout boots. Square toed and the arches between rear being the main characteristics. What I will do is canibalizing a mukluk's upper part as the material is the same and a pair of boots I've bought that are quite near to the apearal of the original keneth cole pitbul crew boots. Though I have to try and sand the rubber of the sole being cast with texture :/. I hope it is possible to that without destroying the polyurethane.
  6. More toe work? They're exactly the same.
  7. Those are the only persons to ask. PGHFett is tthe maker and Skygunbro took over the moulds as the creator wanted to move on to other projects. All the others are just customers who got them form one of the two.
  8. I'd prefer if it would stay a fiberglas product.
  9. I've been to a punk festival last weekend and there were several people wearing pants with bleached patterns. I think I try to do that with a dark olive cotton fabric and see if that could be a technique to achieve that BARC camo pattern.
  10. Her are few shoes I might consider to purchase and to modify. In some cases I might have to change the upper boot and just take the soles. Only a few of the soles really come close to the originals (kenneth cole jango boots). Which one would you go for? The boots on the right side have the advantage that they are current models still available so that I could do two pairs for BARC and GM.
  11. I agree with AS - the tank looks a bit too long.
  12. hey - I like the controls - looks quit authentic anbd the arrangement seems to match the screens very well. I only think the depth of the base plate is a bit too wide.
  13. I think it's only the thigh pouches being attached on this thing I think is something like a waistband at the lower end of the vest/cummerbund similar to known combat vests with very thin loop straps to hold it. The other pouches seem to be attached to the belt though those CGI guys made a logical fault. There are several pouches above and below the pouches which are located at a level allowing for this theory but no hint for velcro or snap buttons as knwon from current combat vests to hold these. I think they just went crazy with the idea of having a trooper with lots of pouches but didn't really consider the functions behind it. The only good news about it is that those pckets are aligned symetrical and that this allows for proper use of any system without looking funny on the prop itself.
  14. Well - though ILM seem to have a few flaws in their CGs (just look into the mirror lense of the Barc where you can see the back vents of the helmet ) I doubt they have such erroneous creases with such a geometric apearal. And yes scanners are a problem. We are lucky that those posters doesn't seem to be printed in more problematic rasters which usually create even more fuzzy scans.
  15. oups, I meant something completely different I hope this pictorial explanation illustrates what I mean.
  16. I guess you mean the ring clip with the two blocks at each side? The fdifference is that the clones (i.e. galactic marine) seem to have spare clips or something like that while at least the outward box of the Barc is something like a sensor. Strange thing about the vest is that the high resolution scan supplied a week ago and the screenshots of the "order 66 scene" on kashyyk show different details. While your observation regarding the fabric styles and sizes seem to be valid there is still the different colour and the split "shards" within the cummerbund sections being seperated by those lines apearing like elastic material.
  17. And he sure as hell looks damn good. Nice armor.
  18. That is easy to answer.....just look at our very own gallery here at BSN and you will see it is raised. There is one picture where the tank detail of the other Trooper at the far right is quite well shown from the side we don't see that muhc from these two pictures and it is raised but a more of the flat kind compared to the slim one of the scout. here is the detail picture. should silence any people with doubts I guess they were just tricked by the shadow/light which is source for optical tricks in such a distance and also blurred motion cap.
  19. Actually the whole detail stuff on the tank top is not that easily to identify. So everything I can come up with will be highly speculative unless we get better shots or renders. But of course I can do it.
  20. Well it is a valid hiking boot design - they could base an own hiking boot design on it next to the few trooper boots. (goes for both actually)
  21. This is what I explained myself as an error in how they structured the skeletal animation joints in relation to the actual groups of polygons and their textures of the CG character. If you ask me it's just a flaw not a feature Same applies to the wristband disapearing as you noted. These things happen with animations sometimes when the groups and the respective bones create jerky textures when being moved. Can be observed in computer games as those characters are based on a very primitive low polygon structure in most cases. I wouldn't expect this in an ILM piece but regarding the issues with these renders I think it is obvious that someone worked sloppy here and there. Best evidence are the switched rubber plates, the bulge emerging out of the twisted left arm and actually a few other parts of the whole character. I wouldn't go too much with "screen accuracy" although one might think a CGI should be near perfect.
  22. I just cross checked with the screenshots and the error with the rubber part being not on the same place on both gauntlets is not a single occurance. So it's up to our interpretation what to do. My personal view on this matter is that they made a mistake doing the mesh/texture for the CG characters. It doesn't make sense to have those flipped on one side. I think it should go at the back of the gauntlet so this detail isn't wasted to a the bottom side that is not seen that often. Btw. there is no picture allowing the theory the rubber plates could be on both sides!
  23. I'd ask them if a CAD model would help. We could use a common boot for the outline figures and then work up the barc (and scout?) boot sole features. Problem is that the expected sales of such a special boot won't be that high to be economic I think.
  24. Ghst is right on the narrow wrist. I used a muscular scheme of the human arm as a base for the glove scheme. It is a bit harder for me to illustrate on screen as on paper. I can do a better one tomorrow if needed. Regarding the base structure this is not really an important factor just an error in actual shape. The size of the rubber part is a bit difficult. I can base new drawings using a medium to large sized gauntlet glove as a scale example. Using medium sizes will allow proper fit for small and extra large adaptions. I guess it would be around 8-10 cm (around 3.25"-4") in length.
  25. Lol - well, I like the idea working for some SW projects beyond the hobby level but I guess it takes a bit more to get your ass in one of Lucas' departments. Now that you say it I also wonder why the rubber part is in different positions. Again we can only speculate except you have a foot in the door of ILM but I suspect lousy continuity during the design process. Same with the wrong texture in the other render and the overstretched joint. Nobody is perfect and probably it wouldn't matter if you see it from the production angle and the fact those models were used mostly in mass scenes from afar. Doesn't really excuse but it is the best explanation I have. There is no real function that you can interprete from the look and placement of this item. So there is no hint... I guess in the haste of production and the narrow time windows and deadlines you can't afford to watch every single thing carefully and nitpicks like us are the minority of the receiving end If I had been art director in the department they probably would have needed twice the time and strong nerves.
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