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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by mrbungle

  1. yeah but i need to redo it.
  2. no it is cool to discuss it here. we are trying to get a CRL for the kT. the back horizonal ones are grey, the front ones that hang seem almost white to me. a dirty white. the pouches are hard to nail down. i am still not happy with mine at all.
  3. the paints are interior eggshell house paints. i think the krylon uv protection clear coat should pose no problem. everybodies color samples will go out tuesday morning...(tommorow).
  4. NP that is what i am here for.... LOL.. the orignal model sheets showed a white tank topper but when they made the film , the tank tops were black.
  5. not to upset, you but the fai colors are wrong. the screen used tank topper is black, you can see it in the gallery pics here. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?auto...=si&img=435 the back horizonal pouches are grey. the fai statue is cool. but the colors are wrong. for pouch colors look here. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=3724
  6. i am going to still mail samples. i posted those for folks who can't wait.
  7. nice. your buckles for the straps on the boots need to be black and the long end pouches need to be on both sides of your back horizonal pouches. keep up the good work. i posted a scan of the paint colors in the accurate camo thread.
  8. first post updated.
  9. the paint is an interior eggshell house paint that you would paint the inside walls with.
  10. looking good, did you maks the chrome off so it would show though?? oh yeah ,i am going to send you the rest of the color samples this week.
  11. those don't look to bad.
  12. i have edited the CRL for the colors. since most of the colors are custom i will send anyone who needs the color samples to them free of charge. they will however have to get paint made or find the closest match possible to the samples. we need to be uniform like the bikerscouts. also the shoulder straps connecting the chest and back plate need to be grey. same with straps and the boxes on the left bicep armor, they need to be grey.
  13. i posted a pic in the accurate camo thread.
  14. everyone who is not waiting on armor from me, please post and address so i can send color samples to the address you post. this way i can keep track of who needs color samples.
  15. let me get my KT upgrades complete and i will give you all the pics you need.
  16. well if you want i can send you samples of the colors i used, that way you can get them made.
  17. i will send them with your stuff.
  18. what do you guys think of this...i took a blown up pic of the sholder bell and place the pic over my helmet. i think we have a winner.
  19. well i am going to post some pics soon...... once i have the correct colors i am going to send out the color samples to anybody who wants them. that way when we troop together we will atleast match.
  20. well i think it is too green. it needs more of an olive tone to it. be back later with more...... what is killing me is, in real life it does not look that green. IGNORE THE GREEN IN THIS PIC!!!
  21. i have found what i believe to be the correct freaking colors for the camo on the KT. please if you feel different please say something. i was looking at the gentlegiant staue and the screen shots. the camo has always been a thorne in our side for the KT. so here is my list. list of my colors. base coat. benjimn moore. egg shell finish HC 96 + BK 1/2 +TG 1/2 camo green still out on this but i am working on it. brown camo tamiya color flat earth xf-52 # 81359 yellow stains tamiya color desert yellow. XF-59, item # 81752 here is the pics. i have not weathered the green yet but i think it is dead on to the reference pics. the pic also makes the green look brighter than it is in real life. the paint is apple barrel leafgreen. number 20472 i am going to paint my helmet with this later and post tonight.
  22. sweet, we need to find the correct green for the camo, the panzer olive green is too dark.
  23. another thing that has been bothering me, the panzer olive green we are using is too dark.
  24. yep there are real good pouch pics in the softparts section. the pouches from all sides.
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