the dog is cocoa the wonder mutt. she was thinking ,"why are you not petting me??" i didn't name the dog my wife did.
i hope to have the arm armor ready for molds this weekend except greeblies. i am waiting on urethane rubber with black dye to come in to do the left greeb and the knee armor straps.
do anybody have a link for the accepted forest camo pattern on the under suit? i googled it and did not find it.
i am sure there a technical name for it. i.e. digicam,marpat,flecktarn, digital desert,digital woodland and so forth.
from the pics, it looks like a bad recast. the nose is not straight.
heatshock, are the same guy on TDH. if so hello, it's the same bungle from the TDH.
i am currently sculpting my first helmet. the kashyyyk trooper. i am using photos for the reference gallery. it seems to me that the cgi guys that worked on the movie were not that consistant with the helmet design. one frame it looks a certain way and then the next scene it looks different. has anybody else noticed this or have i been looking at the pictures to hard? mainly on the length of the overall helmet and the two backside vents. in pic they appear round and the next the appear squared off.
if any one has any better pics of the helmet please PM to me or post them.
the cummerbund looks like a molle vest except it has vertical straps instead of horizonal straps. and the belt is a hard plastic piece that goes all the way around the bottom of the cummerbund.
founf this company that sells coam cloth by the yard. digital woodland green, dye it black and we might have a winner on the pants and jacket.
i found these , add 2 peices of armour and paint them. it is going to be hard to find a boot with that curve inbetween the heel and sole. the redwing logger looks good.
i have been reading , because when i am done with boba , i would like to start this project. i am doing my research now. but after reading for 2 days . it seems after early 08 ,this project came to a stand still. right after those bozos recasted phgfett's stuff.
i know this is an old thread but wow!!super nice, new guy here. i am currently working on boba fett when i am done with that this is my next project i think. mike did you sculpt that helmet??