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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by mrbungle

  1. on the fett helmet , that is my third try at painting one.
  2. i can't sew to save my life. does anyone have any leads on a good glove maker that might be interested in making the KS glove. anybody?????? to make this costume happen , somebody has to make these gloves . if everybody scartch builds their's , then they will all look different.
  3. hey lonescout looks good, how tall are you and how does pghfetts armor fit???
  4. it's cool, we will what happens.
  5. i am pretty short 5'8" i will have build 2 sizes.. med and big. yeah i was hoping not to have to build my own vacuum table but if i have the rest of the armor finished then if i have too. i will build one. but the short folks will get there's first. short people have to stick together.
  6. thanks for the comments , i am going to get the helmet and arm armor done and molded before i really get started on the chest and back.
  7. i made the boxes out of syrene and covered them with cloth because i could not find the correct shape or size pouches,
  8. pouches version I here is the color samples , i bought some multi cam cloth and spraypainted them becase all the pouches are NOT the same color. some are grey ,white,or green looking. here are pics of the pouches unpainted, and they are just taped on so forgive the position of them. they are syntra covered in camo cloth. (i can't sew) a bigger person would make these look better because of space. i just quessed on sizes of the pouches from screen shots. they will be more spaced out on the final costume because of layers of cloth.
  9. well ,now that is over , does anyone have any thoughts on the helmet?? i am waiting on some more rtv and accelarator so i can finish the rough sculpt mold.
  10. just PM them to me if you want.
  11. i started with modeling clay (the cream color) and the hardhat was red (the epoxy). then i got a bunch of gray plasti clay. i am glad we could put this to rest.
  12. that, i can provide for you when i get home tonight.
  13. i used a hard hat that trimmed the top off, a old paintballmask and some sign material i hot glued together then added clay. SGB i will pm you some of the construct photos when i get home from work.
  14. i guess the photos make the armor look almost white. sorry.
  15. did you make the kashyyyk helmet?? i like your work ,looks nice. but i think you need to paint the armor with a kaiki as a base for the camo. JMHO keep up the good work.
  16. to sculpt the armor i am using everything from clay to foam board reinforced with fiberglass. the final product will made of gelcoated fiberglass. the shin and boot armor ,i would like to vaccum form ,but do have a vaccum form machine...........yet.
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