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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by mrbungle

  1. looking pretty (cussword) sweet!!! you are killing this build!! keep it up. once you have all the camo done. come back and mist black and tan spray paint in areas to make it look dirty!!!
  2. looks good. keep up the good work. the hard part is the paint job.
  3. the hole in the viser on my helmet measures 3 inches long by 3/4 of an inch wide. hope that helps. i would buy a dremal tool to cut it out.
  4. the viser hole goes all the way through. i think it is a half inch by 3 inches. I THINK! my helmet is at work , so tommorow i will post the measurement.
  5. hey chad, looking good!! do not cut out the rectangles on the helmet. just paint right over them. keep up the good work!!
  6. i will be in for a set in a month or so,
  7. if you are doing a one off. as soon as you get it sculpted, spray it with a clear finish and vacform it. because regular clay will dry and crack if it is not cover by a plastic bag. make sure the plastic is soft in all corners before pulling or you will crush part of the sculpt.
  8. i use .125 HIPs. on bigger pieces it will give you the detail and some thickness, smaller parts you can use .100. mianly the taller the object you are trying to pull , the thicker your plastic needs to be.
  9. bondo is a autobody filler. they use it to straighten dents and stuff. i use it to sculpt armor and helmets with it. it is a like paste when mixed then hardens , just before it hardens i take a razor knife and carve out shapes ,then sand after it fully cures. depending on weather it can cure in 10 mins.
  10. welcome to the KT side of things. good luck with your build. as a guy that did it too , you have a ton of work ahead of you. if you are planning to make a one off, then i would use the regular clay because oil based clays will melt when you vac form it. if you plan to make more then make your vacuum bucks out of anything then make a mold and cast them out of hydrocal or plaster. then they will vacform fine.
  11. angelo, i love you man, but get rid of those damn shoulder straps on your shoulder bells!!! put some knee pads under them so the come off the shoulder!!!!!
  12. GBX's.......
  13. not to shabby, everything looks like it fits pretty good. now work on that camo, bud. the cossie looks better on you than it does me. i am too short...........
  14. getting better. now on SOME edges kinda of feather it out or fade it out with the sponge brush. overlap SOME of the colors. i paint a bit then stand back and see if it looks good or not.
  15. i like the first boot you showed. on the pouches, WOW!! those look very nice. are you guys doing a run??
  16. try some brown. i dyed mine brown and black.
  17. i like the one on the right, the boot armor.
  18. much better. don't be afraid to put some light patches in there. then weather it with black and tan spray paint.
  19. off to a good start, my friend.
  20. no biggie, it really is no secret who sells what but rules are rules.
  21. awesome pic, lindon!!
  22. what i mean is you have to put on more than one coat of paint for each color. hang in there buddy you will get it. stop trying to paint all the armor. concentrate on one piece and paint it till you are happy with it , then paint the rest. this is one of the hardest paint jobs to pull off. keep your chin up.
  23. i agree with subarctic, the cod piece looks the bast so far. ypu have to paint it in layers because if you do not , the paint will not be solid looking.
  24. i think your colors need to be more defined and separate.
  25. that is what i am saying. i painted mine with a couple of small sponge brushes that you throw away. and do you paln to do any damage???
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