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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by mrbungle

  1. i tried to make my camo as accurate as possble. now that being said. all i found was the right base color. so go nuts. but try to male it look as accurate as possible.
  2. gotcha, did you get those replacement parts i sent you??
  3. this color i had mixed is the best so far, the krylon tan is too dark.
  4. starting to look really good. my only advice on the camo is to take a sponge and go back and blot on some green. do the same with all the colors. you do want some rough points and stuff.
  5. i washed mine after DC and the dye seemed to hold pretty good. i wash it on gentle and airdryed it. but my pockets started to come off.
  6. my main worry was dying the riding patch.
  7. yeah , i dyed the under suit 2 seperate times. first brown but i felt it was not dark enough. then black seemed to do the trick. make sure you do your alterations to the suit AFTER you dye it.
  8. looking good there, brother!!! about time we got some folks posting some WIP threads. now get that bad boy finished up!!
  9. oh i forgot , you need a garrison belt going across the wear the 2 black things are.
  10. that's looking good. i would go with that.
  11. very cool, i wished i learned.
  12. use the color heatshock pointed out for the base color and use that green in your pic for the camo.
  13. there are only 2 greens, the base color which is such a loght green that it is almost tan and the green in your camo pattern.
  14. yeah, that green will be great for your camo pattern but the base color needs to be like the one heatshock pointed out.
  15. just made it wide enough to cover from your belt line to nipples, the chest armor overlaps on top of the cumberbund. same with the back.
  16. no biggie, the elastic ones seem to fit better, but the cumberbund should be grey with brown stains.
  17. my cumberbundis not elastic , and lonescout did a nice tutorial on how to connect the belts and cumberbund together.
  18. britsh desert bdu's that are dyed brown and black is what is acepted, and they are pretty cheap. PM heatshock on here about some.
  19. yeah, if you are holding your hands out palms down , they should be on the inside of the forearm.
  20. if you holding a blaster, the greeb would sit on top of the forarm. so that is where the confusion is coming from. some pics it looks like it is on the inside , then on the outside. but they are on top of the forearm.
  21. here is a vid of the starwars part of the dragon con parade, there are even some tb's in there.
  22. here is another of me , lindon and mike.
  23. well me and darth lindon represented the KT in the dragon con parade. but i was so hungover that morning that i forgot my camara. this is the only pic i have that mike (the gree) sent me. i saw a TB taking pics of us, i hope he sees this and post some pics.
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