very cool. yeah your camo looks good, because you are doing in the style of the movie. the camo colors look like they kinda of spider out instead of blobs.
happy new years to you too, man.
you did a great job on the helmet.
it looks just a hair darker but i would think it will work.
the main thing is to get the UK KT's to use the same colors so when you troop together , you match, same thing i am trying to get done here in the states.
i just take a pencil and trace out the section and trim it out. try to let the side of the helmt go into the vent as much as possible. does that make sense??
the base coat is real tricky. in the shade it needs to look green and in the sun more kakhi.
iwould take it the sample to a paint store. they can matcht the colors pretty close these days , they have a basicly a laser that reads the colors in the sample. get a pint of flat latex.