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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by mrbungle

  1. big ups!!!!!! congrats. one little thing. make sure the bottom front tip of the shin armor tucks under your boot armor .
  2. the only reason is making boots is rather expensive. when renoine did his first urn the boots where 250 a pair and only came in one or 2 sizes.
  3. spray paint......LOL
  4. no, multi-cam will not work.
  5. are they goimg to make the pads on top of the hand seamless??
  6. my method of painting is less is more. make your colors more solid. keep up the good work.
  7. congrats!!
  8. nice one, man. good to see another KT out there. i will give you one tip for pics, look up alittle when someone is taking your picture.
  9. how did the troop sat go, mosi?
  10. or dirty white ones....... thanks for posting the pic though. i had not seen that shot in that hi res before.
  11. looking good , man!! congrats!!!
  12. what does it look like on you??? PICS OR IT DID NOT HAPPEN>>>>>>
  13. cool. the boots are looking good. i would paint the snout of the helmet flat black and have next to no silver showing through.
  14. nice one, mate.
  15. these were made by a guy named renoine, he did a run and i got mine form daz in the UK. renoine was going to do a second run but ripped a bunch of folks off on the dented helmet. these boots are copies of kenneth cole pit crew boots. unless you find someone who wants to sell their pair , you are going to have to search ebay for real kennth cole mount fuji shoes or pit crew boots. i would look for someone who is parting out a jango fett and try to get thier boots. that is what i did.
  16. those are as correct as you are going to get...... thanks , nate!
  17. after searching for over a year i have the right freaking boots!!!! WOOOT!!!!!!!!!!! warning the following pics may be disturbing!!!!
  18. opps! did not see the email to you part of the post....
  19. i just put velcro on the toe of the boot and let it ride. the toe armor has to move or you can't walk.
  20. you are kicking major butt on this build! KT !!! FTW!!!!
  21. the camo is tough to do, but you have right idea, keep rocking!
  22. not to shabby, i would make the camo more jagged and pointy , not so blob like. does that make sense??
  23. that rubber does not like sunlight so i painted mine with some latex paint, grey of course, the rubber is grey when i make them, then sun does not do them any favors.
  24. pretty much, yeah.
  25. you will have to paint them white with tan soles anyways..........
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