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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by mrbungle

  1. can't wait to see it,.
  2. the base coat is tricky, looks greennish in the shade and tannish in the sunlight.....
  3. looks good, guys. but smile when you take pics!!!!
  4. looking good, man. the only real thing i see is the bicep pieces are little big on you. try trimming them done alittle to fit you better and try pulling your knee armor up to seperate it from the shin armor. but overall looks great.
  5. what is the scoop??? have you been approved yet,nate??
  6. yep, just hit them with some white, grey and black spary paint to give the pouches different shades of camo. the pouches are not the same camo that is on the armor.
  7. yeap, did the samething as darren.
  8. looking good, nate. fix that boot armor and you will be in business. what is up with the black strap on the shoulder bells??
  9. looking good to me. you did a good job on the kit!!!! KT incoming!!!
  10. from what i see, you should not have any problem getting this KT cleared. looks awesome!! really wonderful job you did with the kit. now i am going to have to get off my butt and get mine tip top shape for DC parade.
  11. they are supposed to be black, mine look greys becuase of weathering. they were black before i weathered the cumberbund.
  12. are you talking about the 2 clips on the belt of the cumberbund???
  13. congrats, man!!! i am glad you had fun putting it together and are enjoying the suit. you did a real nice job putting it together!!!
  14. NICE , man!!!! boy that was super quick!!!
  15. superglue is what i use. but if you come up with better method , use it.
  16. i have to dig out my shins, i will have you an answer in the morning..........
  17. glad you got the kit. it is not as much work as it seems.............................
  18. that is really cool!! i want one, man! nicely done and way to go to represent the KT!
  19. congrats!!! welcome to the kashyyyk troopers!!
  20. LOL me,sgtski and lonescout understand we don't like tall people............. sgt. looking good, man. some adjustments and you will have one rocking KT. you need weathering. the black strip on the tank, use a paint maker. bring your thigh pouches up. they should be above thigh pockets on your pants. the cod is big, but it is big on me. i am 5' 8". you might need some velcro on the cod and pants to hold it down a bit. making the biceps smaller, i would cut them on the side that is on the inside of your arm. take a half inch out then see how they fit. your seams glued and bondoed need to be good and solid though so they do not crack when you bend the biceps some. the only other thing is your cumberbund pouches seam to be too thick. is there any way to sand those down on belt sander to make them thinner??
  21. very cool!!! most people who talk trash do not know what they are talking about in the first place. look forward to the finish!
  22. denny, i wear a 9 1/2 and 10 works great.
  23. what happened??? you were cruising. not family stuff is it??
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