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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TreeHuggerMatt

  1. Thinking this for armour transpo and storage , its 123 L or roughly 34 of your funny sized colonial gallons in volume. Bucket will be in a separate helmet bag. https://www.diy.com/departments/erbauer-connecx-2-wheel-storage-polypropylene-toolbox-set-h-460mm-w-560mm-d-480mm/5059340164441_BQ.prd
  2. its the little touches. Cant wait to get it all on and cleared
  3. Apologies for the photo dump ( praise the emperor for dropbox ) and the duvet ( thats her choice btw ) but here's the bits and bobs. Chefs pulled a blinder. The pouches already have hollowed out foam inserts so thats a job I wont need to do. Just need there rattle can for the weathering
  4. Earholes are cut out -- mesh or paint is not acceptable: Area behind earholes inside the helmet is blacked out, either with paint or tape. No interior white should show from the outside of the helmet when worn. Going off that section of the crl text I will be fine as when you look through the earholes , even really up close , you cant see ANY white sections.
  5. Couple quick things.. Helmet Lined and padded to fit better and be more comfortable. Lined to show black when looking in ear holes. Not going for lancer but it's not hard to do and saves time in future. In that same vein fitted the 1/2" elastic strap as to create illusion tank is held on via this and connects to rivets cos it looks cool
  6. Shoe Horn , Turtleneck ( dickie ) gloves , balaclava , CA glue , 1" elastic , helmet pads , chin cup ( somewhere in there ) magnets for holster etc This is really happening . Stunned
  7. BBB day today , getting giddy and really nervous . Yes im gonna try the bucket on first lol. Then the sundries will turn up today so extra velcro / elastic for helmet chin etc. Just need to get rattle can of matte black paint for the weather and then sort a long blaster out and thats me lol awesome
  8. Sundries now ordered from Amazon including 1” elastic strapping for helmet chin cup Black Fake turtleneck ( dickie for you americam chums ) heave duty stick on Velcro ( knees , elbow arms etc boots etc ) gorilla CA/frantic glue ( e6000 banned in uk ) 1/2” elastic strapping to make take strapping complete ) Adhesive felt sheet to line inside of helmet around ear holes to create appearance of blackness 19pc helmet pads for errr helmet comfort Long handled shoe horn 1mm rare earth magnets for blaster / holster security ekkk seems real now lol
  9. Yeah. Can’t wait to put it in take pics and then massive anxiety when post em here lol EDIT Chef has booked the courier and still will be here on Friday stand by for unboxing lol
  10. dream team!!
  11. Just had email from chef. Everything all sorted and made and ready to ship. Details passed on . As to who the amazing indvidual that is helping with this dream I wish I knew who you were as I wish I could thank you and give you a massive hug,. Just know you have madre a huge difference in my life and I will never be able to repay you enough for your wonderful gesture. Thank you
  12. Nice vid. That’s how I was thinking about doing mine. Great to see how well it works
  13. soft goods made , well flight suit anyway from what he said. One step closer to the Michelin man scout trooper lol
  14. Looks great so far. Maybe ya can help with my scout setup lol
  15. Congrats Mickey. Wise choice folks and a big reason why this is the best Det of them all and one I will be be very proud to be a member of very soon And that is down to one amazing pathfinder who’s helped me out. wish I knew who they were this place rocks
  16. Yeah , my measurements went in during may and my build was started last Thursday so it's been a while lol
  17. Welcome mate and great choice with chef. My scout commission was started on Thursday so cant wait. It'll be worth the wait mate
  18. Mail from chef confirming some sizes as today was a momentous occasion. Today marked the start of my soft goods production Never thought id see the day
  19. Found this on Amazon for the neck covering ( already have balaclava) this should do eh
  20. Chin cup backup blaster ( will also get one off chef ) Balaclava and gloves all located sundries in Amazon basket ready to order 1 in and 1/2 inch Velcro cable ties for bells ( if not done ) helmet pads Velcro strapping to secure armour and belt / bund to suit 5mm button magnet for blaster and holster long handles shoehorn insoles for me feet Back brace strap Cos fat and back iffy 😂 And of course the black dickie cos open collar is the way
  21. Update from Chef on FB “ Just a quick note to everyone, we will be postponing orders on building of fully built Scouts/Commando's and Helmets for the foreseeable future. We're well behind on orders and they are the most time consuming item we do. So in order to help us get to the front of the queue and get back on a more even keel we'll be stopping them for the moment. Anyone who has ALREADY ordered one, Your order will still be completed, so don't panic. We just won't be taking new orders until we've cleared the backlog. Kits and everything else are not affected. Being busy is good, supposedly... Thanks R.” just had message back that mine is getting started now and should have it in a couple of weeks all being well
  22. Luckily I’ve had some MHA issues recently and it also turns out I’m probably on the ASD spectrum. An update would be nice to help me calm down. I know it’ll get sorted and I know it will be worth it Then it’s just the terror of putting pics of the empires chubbiest scout trooper in here 😂
  23. I’m not doubting Rob so sorry if it seemed that way. Don’t doubt it will be worth it just want it in my grubby paws I’m doubting myself lol Found out I very probably have ASD so sometimes struggle with waiting for stuff. Looking forward to being the chubbiest scout in the empire lol
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