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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TreeHuggerMatt

  1. still waiting on the build slot. It's a little bit annoying but, if its this busy then all it doers is demonstrate just how good chefs kit is It'll be worth the wait
  2. Hey dude. hope you well. I trust him just checking in and my anxiety had a wee hello. Big mug of tea and all good
  3. Heard back They're just insanely busy so may well wait till new year Least I know lol
  4. More worried I’ve not heard back from the email I sent
  5. Isn’t the waiting just the best bit, 😂😂
  6. Emailed chef. Hopefully hear back soon
  7. Ahhh that would explain it. Cheers Boss. That’s all I’d need to be anyway
  8. Still awaiting any news. On the bright side its stopped you poor souls having to look at the empires chubbiest biker scout lol
  9. Welcome!! Like @Retrofire said this place is an amazing resource and full of lovely folk and a great armoury team. As for timeframe ? it’s not how long you take but that you get there and we are all here to help. my journey started in Feb last year and with the help of this lovely lot I’m nearly ready for BBB day
  10. Haha. I hadn’t noticed that ( it’s 6am lol ) but I too overthink and worry for what it turns out to be no good reason lol 😂
  11. That sounds familiar lol Congrats man
  12. And apparently chef had just posted about the tank topper crl change so I’ll get the updated parts Wohooo
  13. 8 down hopefully 8 to go heh
  14. Cos we’re dead cool lol 😂😂
  15. Been a month or so..I think. Chef said its about 4-5 months cos they're dead busy lol
  16. The wait for the BBB is driving me nuts heheh
  17. It’s a great video. Like @Retrofiresays it’s not how fast you get there , it’s that you do get there. my journey is so far around 2 years and all being well will be over by autumn Trust me , the juice will be worth the squeeze
  18. I was gonna pad mine cos im old lol
  19. That’s if you want a neck seal as per the CRL optional bit. OR ”Collar: A Mandarin-style collar closure flap covers the neck area; OR Collar may be left open. If collar is left open, trooper's neck must be covered with a black garment such as a neck seal, gaiter or long balaclava.” @BikerScout007 did a great video about it. I’ll link it here the neck covering is from about 4 mins in
  20. The other pics show it turned down and looks like the one Mickey had on the crl update video. The balaclava is a thin , breathable fabric so Im hoping it’ll be fine. I can always get a troopacoola scout helmet fan kit if needed. hide power bank in pouch and run cable up the turtleneck etc
  21. Looking into the neck covering with the open collar. Found this on uk Amazon. Obvs the black one but thinking it would do nicely ? https://amzn.eu/d/9WGHETb
  22. Scraped and saved and have moved the money for the armour so I can’t spend it. gonna be skint for a bit till it catches up but i will do everything in my power to do so and honour the gesture made to me I will troop I will do good. I will make whoever did this proud. I promise
  23. Heard from Rob Order in the queue. Im gonna be a Biker Scout! Ray of sunshine on an otherwise horrible day
  24. This look like the right size for transport? I guess ill have to nest it but thats fine https://www.screwfix.com/p/stanley-pro-mobile-tool-chest-24-1-2-/52706
  25. Just confirming with Chef if the order has to be placed any differently if if done as usual for full build commission and just invoiced differently. Getting so close to ordering I can taste it lol
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