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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TreeHuggerMatt

  1. Great News , though not even remotely a surprise. Brilliant work and brilliant ideas and solutions , teamwork makes the dreamwork Nice One Dennis mate. Well chuffed for you brother 👊
  2. yes please buddy...that would be lovely
  3. Hey Dennis I hadn’t to be honest as I always assumed they’d be really expensive but having read your post it’s certainly worth looking into , have to admit the photo trick made me spit my coffee in my keyboard 😂😂 Thanks for making me laugh , I needed that brother 👍🏻 If you , or anyone else has recommendations for kit , set up and placement that would be amazing Thanks again guys
  4. I get the point , its just hard not to go stir crazy whilst I save up and was just curious to see the thoughts of those that have done it for a while. After all you guys have done this and I haven't yet and in worse , especially warmer , weather than I'll ever have to deal with Cheers folks , all advice is good advice 😀 👊
  5. Given I have plenty of time whilst I save up for the armour etc iven beeb absorbing all the amazing info here so thanks all! Now as a gentlemen of , lets say , a fuller figure im anticipating a wee bit of sweat so was looking a troopacoola fans and the reviews are good and hes a fellow Mancunian so all good. Was thinking of getting a single variable speed and having it pull cooler air from one of the open ear slots and vent and the visor. My question is this : Does this sound like a sensible idea and also would there be enough room? TIA chaps
  6. Whats the availability on the Harley kits ? There a lot about? Saying that don't imagine it would be long before someone models it
  7. Which , given the solutions you guys have found to allow the hot swapping between rotj and the jfo scout will im sure inspire folks to pull the trigger on as its a reasonably simple option Brilliant stuff chaps
  8. Another fantastic job and thread Dennis , as always . Its the ingenuity used to find solutions that i love. The Gel Pen rubber trick was a work of genius dude. In awe of the skills mate. Bravo sir !!
  9. Hi Kevin!! Welcome to the pathfinders
  10. Like I said. Posted without comment
  11. https://fb.watch/c5e0WkQHmU/ hope that works
  12. Posted entirely without comment. They’ve posted an update video on Facebook for what it’s worth @Mandrake don’t know if you follow then on there but it’s with a watch
  13. Think he means they send him the refund via that method rather than him sending them money
  14. feel really bad for ya fella... was any of the payment made on a credit card ( or you used a credit card via PayPal etc ). If you did you can section 75 claim for the money back that way. I know Mando makes on Facebook has really accurate armour files but its the soft parts that is an issue , least if I ever went for it as not sure who else does them to a good enough standard
  15. awesome. be glad to finally err meet ya Pete ill have a big mug of not earl grey ready 😂
  16. That’s gonna be 5pm BST if I’ve got it right so i would be delighted to pop by if that’s okay. or even 5pm
  17. The time frame seems excessive but that seems to be the norm with custom stuff sadly , add that to the location and then double up with the severe sanctions on Russia and Russian businesses ( the no shipping and ban on money movements is very much a thing at the moment ). I see what you mean and in your position id be miffed too but I can also see what he says . Given this will be damaging his reputation ( this game that is everything ) then he isn't gonna want this more than you do. It boils down to this I guess , given the wait already you can either ride it out and hope this world situation is resolved soon or do the chargeback , get the money and then try to find someone else that can do it and again wait a while from the custom commission. If it was me ? id hope like hell it all calms down soon and ride it out. Get drunk and thank whatever you believe in its not you getting your country bombed out of existence. Its far from ideal but that seems to be your options and I truly hope whatever you decide to do its sorted as soon as is practicable
  18. Hope you get it sorted. Post up in the vendor issues thread and get it escalated. I know the guy is a user on here
  19. Well this might make people giggle and might make a few even think im a nutter lol. The long road to become a scout trooper has begun with the first purchase. it was this majestic piece of magnificence 🤣 https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07WP3B4H2/ref=ewc_pr_img_2?smid=A33XYQRI5O23PW&psc=1 Well it is vital to the build eh 😂😂
  20. still not having it. google drive okay though Looks amazing
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