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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TreeHuggerMatt

  1. Its great that we can all have a respectful discussion about stuff 😀 The weird twist for me is that shadow scout is 99% the same uniform but gets a wider choice of blasters but wasnt in a film as far as I know. Could be wrong but its all new learning for me
  2. Gotta admit I do get a bit carried away when I find a project I wanna get my teeth in and this combines my love off all things Star Wars with the fun of playing the character and mostly being able to help and make people smile as the visits and events etc would be a big part for me. There’s nothing wrong with just getting started , get it sorted , get cleared and start trooping. I can’t wait to get involved 😀
  3. Fair point boss. Just me asking daft questions cos I don’t know any different at the moment. Get your point totally as it happens , Was just curious as it looks really cool. maybe a wee bit envy yeah 😂😂😂
  4. Can’t find any images other than what’s on wookipedia for a scout using it. oh well. Was worth a try But yeah like you said there is more than one type of e-11s. That one and the one that’s more like the sky-19x
  5. I’ve just bashed up my heel slipping down my stairs so I have plenty of time to waste so I might to find footage of the game showing it. the video that 3D props has on his YT channel mentions the game , doesn’t specially say it was a scout weapon in the video but from what wookipedia says it suggests it is. Good shout re the binocs as well mate
  6. @TB-61231 id seen it on YouTube originally after reading the scout wookiepedia page and it’s seemingly mostly been used in the mobile platform star wars games in terms of visual sources https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/E-11s_sniper_rifle The info there suggests it’s been an issue for scout snipers at some point. 3D Props on YouTube has built a few and has a video on it that’s worth a look Also his page is here https://www.3d-props.com/3d-files/e-11s-r1-files/ Not a massive deal if it’s not allowed but as a newbie I ain’t gonna push but as I read the criteria it seems it could be. i just thought it looked really cool lol
  7. Yeah I saw from the info on her Etsy page. That’s not gonna be an issue. Will do. Cheers man
  8. @Barber Sorry for the restart of the thread but ive been researching getting a scout kit and ive been struggling to sort of a blaster etc. This has pretty much convinced me to grab these files , bribe a mate to print them and then use this post as an inspiration to get it built and set up. It looks amazing
  9. had the same idea with the e-11s sniper / lrb. Its on wookipedia as canon but apparently its only appeared on the mobile platform games so ive been led to believe it cant be used . certainly aint on the crl 😞 Rather confusing
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