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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by kayelbe

  1. Thanks, that's what I thought, but the last part is where I personally had issues. Glad I did it the same way.
  2. Did you re-sew the outside seam BEFORE or AFTER you attached the elastic straps? You mention picking the seam where the strap will go, which leads me to believe you did it before. Did you sew the strap part by hand? I'm trying to wrap my head around how you did that--seems to me since it is perpendicular to the machine travel, that short stitch would be hard to get with the legs sewn back up...
  3. Panda. You seek Panda: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9781 Pretty much the go-to tutorial for assembling Scout armor.
  4. Get yourself a photobucket account (or similar). On Photobucket, for the picture you want to post, to the right is a bunch of ways to Link. The way I do it, is click in the "Direct" box. It will say "link copied" or something. Now, in your post you click the Image button. Paste the link you copied in there and that's it.
  5. Interest thread started on the Dune Sea Garrison forum!
  6. Directors/Editors do it all the time, even now. In TFA, I clearly remember one scene in which it was done: When Rey is running around right after getting released by FN-007. She can be seen carrying the rifle in her left hand, and the passing Stormtroopers are led by an officer with the pauldron on the opposite shoulder. Also, throughout the movie, her arm wraps "switch" sides, indicative of an image flip.
  7. I read/saw somewhere that the person drafting the pattern suggested drawing the neck line right at the armor in the front. Might be what you are thinking? FWIW, mine is probably a finger or two above in front, but clearly larger than a regular t shirt neckline.
  8. Also, looks like pouches are an accessory and not necessarily part of the standard issue uniform...?
  9. Yep, the whole assembly was used by screen scouts and by many Legion TBs.
  10. The suede/elastic is there. I think the "pocket flap" you see is just the elastic strap...I saw it too, at first. That said, *MY* eyes aren't seeing the suede going up far enough, and with that, the straps look too low.
  11. I probably use the same as Daniel: It's a Husky 35-inch mobile job box.
  12. I personally don't use fans in my helmet. There seems to be better airflow than a stormy bucket. I troop in Phoenix, btw, and I'm WAY more concerned about the layers of soft armor heating me up than the helmet.
  13. You can troop with it so long as it's not a Canon event. For example: A community library-con would be cool, but Star Wars Night with a local sports team would not.
  14. Well, I went looking for the sales thread for the wireless trooper system. They had a facebook page, as well. The FB page is down, so I checked FISD. Over there, they say the guy no longer "makes" them. Also, and this is VERY relevant, the exact same set up can be found on ebay for $20! Guess I paid $60 for the sticker they slapped on it. Feeling very, very foolish now.
  15. I started off with an Aker 10w (a garrison mate has a bigger one, and it's way too loud). Since I have a Sandtrooper, I also use an ICOMM, which works great at adding the "click" when you speak. For microphones, I used the headset that comes with the Aker for a few troops, but hated having to feed the microphone cord so that it remained hidden. I bought a Memorex wireless setup, but found out on the first troop that if another trooper has one, neither of you can use it. I guess they run at identical frequencies, so all you could hear was a loud warbling coming from both of our speakers. Another issue with the headset microphone was that the band would pop off my head whenever I put on or took off my bucket. I decided to go with a throat microphone. It worked great the first couple times I used it, but for some reason, it stopped working whenever I put my helmet on. Literally would work if I took off my bucket, but not while wearing it. Finally, I picked up a wireless trooper set up. I believe the sales thread is here on BSN. I absolutely love this thing! Only downside is occasionally it unpairs itself, but I haven't figured out if it's something I'm doing or not.
  16. I have a big melon, so went with an Altmann from the start. I love it, but it's the only one I've ever worn.
  17. You answered your own question! Yep, the "twin-arm" refers to the two "remaining" pieces after the center is either cut out or otherwise not there. I ordered these. Make sure you get the black ones, so ya don't have to paint them.
  18. So pumped! Thanks and I hope to make y'all proud!
  19. I tried using the helmet pads first, didn't like the way they fit by my ears (couldn't hear anything!). I went the same route as others and used a hard hat liner. I hot glued the mounting tabs, but am rethinking the attachment method as I have already had to reglue them three times.
  20. Hey Tanner, welcome to BSN! Have you registered on the DSG Forums yet?
  21. Looks good. I used the same boot (as did many others here). Wasn't nearly as hard to make the cuts as I had feared.
  22. Well, photobucket was down for maintenance last night, but it's up now! Replaced the helmet bolts (please excuse the messy garage): Let me know if there's anything else you need. The anticipation is killing me!
  23. Here's another shot of the drop boxes And another view from the back (although now I just noticed the belt was not fastened properly):
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