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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by kayelbe

  1. Getting close! No pics tonight, but I've finished the boots, the vest, the cummerbund/cod/pouches (3rd time's a charm), and helmet mods. Only things left are to finish the detonator, attach the holster, and size up/attach the butt flap. Trying like heck to get it all done and at least submitted before this coming Saturday. We have a troop at the AZ Diamondbacks Star Wars Night! Wish me luck, lol!
  2. LOL. I KNEW that was the reason! Again, it just made me wonder.
  3. Just out of curiosity, is there a confirmed image of the vest being only "half-length"? I have never seen one, and just looked through the gallery here a bit to check before posting. I was just wondering, since it's covered by the bund anyway, why it's so "set in stone" to be half-length.
  4. That's why I love helmeted characters -- I can always hide the big, cheesy grin!
  5. Seems to me the bund is either too long or needs to be pulled up quite a bit. I don't think it's supposed to show below the belt. Your belt looks to be about the right height, so I don't think you can lower it to fix that.
  6. Like Tim said: You sew the flap seams (except for the top edge) with the flap inside out . Turn the flap right side out, press with an iron, and the seams will be tight. Then (depending on the pattern) you sew the flap to the back of the pouch body. The stitches will be inside the flap and not visible. Also, you sew the pouch body in the same way, so that right side out the stitching will be on the inside leaving just a seam.
  7. The technique I and some others have used (I totally stole it from them) is to use the appropriate chisel blades. I used two sizes and made my cuts based off that. I first made the cuts on the lines (like you see drawn above) with the standard #11 blade at the appropriate depth. Then I take the chisel blade and push it in either from the top or the bottom as appropriate. Then it's just a matter of flicking out the piece you cut. For the wide open area, the same thing, although it's much harder to cut without leaving it looking chunky like the above pic. I took my dremel and a drum sander bit and lightly went over the area to smooth it out. Worked way better than I figured it would.
  8. Looks good!
  9. Seems that's the common order: Gloves, Blaster, Altmann's, SC armor here....
  10. He said inexpensive and might not use ever again...fits most Harbor Freight stuff. 5 bucks to boot.
  11. Google is your friend. Rivet Gun From Harbor Freight
  12. That's what they're saying. I, of course, sewed it all shut, which I thought was required.
  13. I have both, actually. I can get measurements when I get home from work tonight. There is a noticeable difference, I can tell you that. The 42R I couldn't stand up straight to zip it up. The 42L is better, but I would have rather gone another size up.
  14. I'm 5'9" and wear a 42R coverall as part of my job. That said, I had to re order a 42L RedKap because I couldn't zip mine up while standing straight.
  15. One great resource, which you haven't mentioned (and none of the responses did either), is your local garrison! You will find perhaps the greatest resource available: Someone to help in person. Since it appears you live in Las Vegas, you fall under the Neon City Garrison
  16. Absolutely not required. I only mentioned it because my only active kit is a TD, and that's what I use. And it really doesn't sound like it's coming from anywhere but YOU. I've had the same experience with people assuming it's coming from my helmet.
  17. Please don't follow that video. He doesn't stretch the toe covering, and for gosh sake he doesn't even know how to use a pop-rivet gun! He's grinding up his holster trying to remove the mandrel.
  18. If you look at the related auctions below that there is a '69 model 457 for $89 w/ FREE shipping.
  19. But with 77.00 shipping, not so much....
  20. Not sure what you mean by wonky acoustics. I have an Aker 1506, an ICOMM (static burst generator), and have used both the boom mike and a throat mike with no unwanted distortion. For scouts, I see a lot of people wear theirs in one of the pouches, with the cord either just hidden (not very well) or routed through a hole in the cummerbund.
  21. If you have one local, go in and take a look. I *believe* that's the one I got from Joann's, but not sure. It should have a slight texture to it, but not leathery-wrinkly looking. Picture a vinyl covered barstool...
  22. From the many replies when this company comes up, they MIGHT pass basic approval, but would definitely not pass for Lancer. I was pretty scared going in, but made mine following the tutorial. It was really, really easy. There's also a couple people here that will make you a really good pair if you insist on not doing it yourself.
  23. They do. Glad to see I'm not the only one who got the wrong size. Apparently everyone is a long wit RedKap. I wear coveralls for work and never wore a long with any brand before.
  24. Been a while since I updated. I made a bund/cod and finished most of the armor pieces. I pulled my boots out of the closet and went back to work on them. Below is the result of the first stretch. Followed the tutorial, but used a heat gun. Had I been working on these in the summer, putting them in the car in the Arizona heat would have been enough.
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