Dude, you are the one all up in arms.
I went and read most of your posts. In nearly every one, you are complaining about something. First off, most if not all of your complaints would have been avoided had you read the CRL before you jumped in to making a scout costume. "No one told me" is not an excuse when it's in black and white.
There are numerous build threads here and I'm sure in your garrison's forums. You obviously didn't read any of those, either. If you had, you wouldn't have questions like "how do I attach my holster?"
You ask for sources, obviously without searching on your own. This site has been around for years; your questions have been asked countless times before. Patiently, the veterans here have gone ahead and answered your questions or given you links. I personally responded to your thread about the TD greeblies. Nexous told you nearly three weeks ago to contact SC and they would hook you up. I did a 2 second search and found a thread for a guy that 3D prints them through shapeways. You didn't even read the whole thread before you threw your hands up and posted in your garrison's forum. And who did they recommend? SC! And then, THEN you have the nerve to come back here and post that crap about how only your garrison can help you.
You know the saying, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar...