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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by kayelbe

  1. 1. Not really sure...Vinyl is cheap and works. I don't recall a build that DIDN'T use vinyl. Not saying no one's done it. 2. CRL says that have to be cut, but there's no set template. So yeah, "are they there and close" is fine. 3. I'm sure they are mentioned, that's how I found the ones I (and many others) used: Kmart Texas Steer. Any boot with a tan sole that is easy to cut would probably work. 4. Exactly. 99% of approval is how it looks ON YOU.
  2. Believe me, I badly want an alternative to the holdout blaster (that isn't a sniper rifle). I'm just nervous about calling/accepting the game as canon and then having ALL the games weapons available. This goes across all costumes, not just scouts.
  3. And, I agree with you! However, it's hard enough enforcing troops to wear their costumes in a CRL-worthy manner as it is (don't get me started on that!). You think you can convince all but two scouts they have to pack up their BFG and carry their pistols? But...you did say in your first post that BFII is canon (I cringe, for obvious GML reasons at that, even if true). If a scout is allowed to carry an A-280, why can't he carry a Jawa Ion gun? That's the argument(s) I'm not looking forward to.
  4. I'm on the fence. While I'd love to carry something other than a holdout blaster, and I get the sniper rifle tie to the scouts, I don't want to see every trooper carrying everything. I can already see (and understand) the floodgates opening and every scout carrying a DLT if/when they are added to the CRL. I'd love to see ONE smaller rifle added, be it an E-11 or even the A-280. But not the whole loadout screen from Battlefront.
  5. Lots of scouts have that one. Others use DVH, although he is currently taking a break from making his. With the Don Jarr, you'll likely have to make the backing plate out of a piece of plastic.
  6. He quotes me 4 weeks for a full kit 3 weeks ago and I got the tracking number last night.
  7. I'm also interested in what fabric you used!
  8. While your info is 100% correct, the OP is referring to the closure of the belt, i.e. the buckle. Just wanna point that out to eliminate any confusion. The CRL for basic doesn't spell out how the belt is closed in the back, so either the parachute buckle or overlapping velcro is fine. For Lancer spec, the velcro is required.
  9. I just tab-velcroed them inside, i.e. they don't "double back".
  10. Lancer is completely optional. Basic approval is done through you Garrison Membership Liaison, or GML. Have you contacted your local Garrison yet?
  11. I riveted an elastic strap with velcro ends to the inside of the upper holster "strong back". Works decent for me, but may add velcro on the suit legs, since the strap tends to work itself down after a lot of walking.
  12. The vest is just a raglan half-shirt, with two layer and padded/ribbed sleeves. I made mine and I never sewed at all until I started my scout.
  13. Congratulations!
  14. Just for extra moral support, I also made 3 bunds, and 4 cods. I got lucky on the pouches. I am going to redo them all, though. Like most everyone else, I'm not satisfied yet.
  15. Fully support! I have a DLT-19 and ideas to modify it, so I might be a little biased...
  16. LOL, I wish it did. I have the same problem--gotta keep reminding myself to stand up straighter. I blame it on the pouches.
  17. Agree on the bund...my ONLY nit pick is the belt is too low. Common mistake, wearing it where you wear a regular belt. If you move the belt up across your belly button and the bund up so the bottom is behind the belt, it should be perfect!
  18. It could be the mannequin, but it looks like your bund is too long. Your belt should be worn across the bellybutton/above the hip bones (your natural waist). I mention this because you said you needed to make longer pouches, to (I assume) fill the space between chest and belt. There's already way too much space, imo. Judging solely by your mannequin shot above, I'd recommend probably a belt width off the bottom of the bund.
  19. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9781&view=findpost&p=81497
  20. Not sure if you want to do the zip tie method that way. Disclaimer: I haven't switched from the "old" method yet, but I believe you don't want it "doubled up" like that. I have concerns it may "poof" out and not lay flat across your shoulder. EDIT: Well, strider did it that way and it looks pretty good, so....nevermind!
  21. Like, ever? Lots of people wear SC. They'll take care of you, don't worry. If he said 2/28, then expect it no later than the first week of March.
  22. The originals had welding helmet suspensions in them. I took a spare hardhat, cut off the mounting points, and hot glued them inside. Works great! If you must have "padding", some people use cushion foam cut appropriately and either glued or maybe velcroed inside. Still others have been known to use MICH helmet padding attached with velcro. That's what I used in my TD bucket.
  23. You've pretty much answered your own questions. For the material, I used a white duck cloth. To me, ideally the size of the bund goes from behind your side straps (so, yeah, probably about nipple height) to the top of your hip bones. The belt should sit around your waist, not your hips like a belt you'd wear with pants. I changed the cod from attached to the bund to attached to the vest. It's much easier to put on and doesn't pull the bund at all anymore. There's no need for a pattern, since you clearly understand the dimensions and what not.
  24. If your goal is NOT to join the 501st, there are plenty of options, I'm told, out there. Honestly, as I've never considered a helmet that wasn't 501st-worthy, I don't have any links to give you. I guess you can search the helmet sectionfor examples people threw out hoping they could get approved with.
  25. The boot heights look fine. The patches, like I said in your other thread, look like they could go up a bit higher. There ideally shouldn't be "flight suit" between the patch and the cod. Unfortunately, you'll need to start over if you choose to do that, because they are about perfect on the bottom. This is the go-to reference for the size and placement:
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