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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Nexous

  1. Might be easier if you edit your first post and add that there organizational wise should help
  2. I'm definitely interested to see how it looks! I may not be a mega-fan right now, but that doesn't mean seeing them more in action won't change that
  3. They've already moved your topic to a perfect new sub-forum for this costume
  4. Excellent! If you want you can set-up a similar thing as I have with the Shore and make a "WIP" CRL and sort of build it up as more screencaps are available from Rebels
  5. took a few tries, managed to snag this one
  6. Looking great! Digging the cuts into the sole a lot
  7. I don't believe so. Not sure what we could really do. Maybe other staff have an idea?
  8. I'll consider a refund or something once I finish the Shoretrooper... if I can build an entire costume before the helmet stuff is resolved.... yeah it'd be time to move on
  9. @Stormy102 -- Officially? Pauldron is a no-go... but I have seen Scouts with Pauldron at events, like Conventions etc... it's honestly up the POC about accessories. I've also seen Scouts carry the "Imperial Cuffs".
  10. Welcome to the BSN, noble reasons to join. Hope to see you out smashing... errr.. dodging trees soon
  11. Yeah, I botched my decals initially and asked to pay for some replacements and he sent out some next day at no charge.
  12. ABS paste is an option or you can fill it and paint over... I'll let experts give their 2 cents
  13. There should be a real value to that with the added work + replacements
  14. As mentioned above, SC is a great choice for armor.... I will also agree with Dart, the helmet isn't really on the side of accurate. If possible get the armor and purchase a different helmet, maybe an Altman? If budget is an issue as it was for me at the time, the SC helmet will still look great put together!
  15. No need to stretch the arms! Just have it so the forearm go over the gloves a little bit. The below image was taken from a recent Lancer application that was approved.
  16. I have a feeling we won't see any movement going until after Celebration Europe
  17. It looks like the "Call-Out" post was taken down, but in turn RS Props has written a public update / apology expressing their personal frustrations. Supposedly they will be sending e-mails to all those waiting and giving them an option to take a full refund or continue to wait.
  18. Was a pleasure! It's been awesome to see your costume grow from messaging me about getting into the 501st until now, proud of you dude Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Congrats Tristan! Eagerness and willingness paid off !
  20. My laptop screen at work apparently has terrible resolution/contrast. Disregard my last bit!
  21. Looks good so far! Some things that popped out for me, bear in mind these might not all get a rejection from a GML. ** Back & Chest don't seem to meet evenly where the cover-fabric is, can you level this more? ** Forearms can definitely sit lower, if you're able to, go for it! ** Does your knee have the white rivet w/ elastic? Not required for basic, but highly recommend that mod for better way of keeping it on. ** Boot sole color as mentioned by Jim, likely just exposure, try to make sure that you clarify this or take a photo that isn't as exposed ** It looks like your undersuit is missing the suede patches, am I missing that?? And it appears it has pockets on the thighs... again could just be my eyes! But if it does, that's a no-go.
  22. Exact one! My helmet is in a cheap-o moto-helmet bag via amazon, maybe $15? Works just fine. And soft goods + armor + boots are in that little-ol case.
  23. Thanks everyone. I'll do my best to jump-start cards again and get that process rolling so we can share our best poses with pals and children alike.
  24. I got one of those "half bins", about half the size of a typical Stormtrooper one. Seems to work out ... everything gets a little roughed up... but what good is a clean scout anyway!
  25. Yeah, it's rather unfortunate about their business practice. It reminds me a lot of MonCal and the complaints about wait-times and then issues with getting replacements etc, etc. That's why I really appreciate Jeff and the service he provides to us Troopers. I know RS / Anovos will never have customer service like him, but it makes you realize just how lucky we are to have a prop-maker in our back pocket that cares
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