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Everything posted by BikerScout007

  1. Forget the neck seal! I'd rather have the open collar. I think that looks rad. I'd rather see that as an option on the CRL than the neck seal. So Gino, since you handled the original costume -- was the cummerbund made of nylon or what????
  2. Looking good, man! Keep us posted with more progress pics
  3. Didn't see the pic of the det greeblie. The general consensus is to have the tabs pointing up. There's some inconsistency but the majority lean that way and it's kind of in the interest of keeping things... uniform, pun intended! Looks cool so far! SC is pretty great, huh?
  4. Yeah maybe.... I was thinking that the "thing" is so perfectly lined up with the snout area that it couldnt possibly be a chin cup. But you make some good points!
  5. It could also be some kind of backing behind the snout
  6. Thanks! This is actually an old thread and I did end up sewing real suede onto my undersuit. I didnt do the sewing, though. That's what mom is for!
  7. I got a KS helmet because they are supposed to be a little more expansive-cranium friendly!
  8. Yup. That's why I waited until I got my tax refund!
  9. That's what I have. Definitely acceptable and easy to put together. Highly recommended.
  10. Well after the sweat-filled 4th of July parade yesterday it was finally time to wash the undersuit. The Tandy suede came out of the wash fine. Maybe a little less smooth but that's okay. I hung it out to dry and in our 92 degree weather it dried in about 20 minutes.
  11. It's a great looking lid. I'm sure it will find many happy homes
  12. Well yeah.... but it's not like we're under some obligation to buy it just because we're perceived to be the target audience. And if we are the target audience, then it's up to eFx to find a way to make it affordable to that target audience. That's just good business. It's like when Sony first released the Playstation 3 for way too much money. The target audience passed on it until they lowered the price. Folks have a struggle scraping together enough dough to complete their scout, much less buy a collectible helmet that's not really meant for trooping. There are definitely people out there with enough disposable cash to buy these things. Let them have at it, I say. The reaction I'm seeing here is more of the "okay this isn't really for trooping" variety.
  13. Sorry, man! I was referring to Chex and Celebration next year, not SDCC
  14. That's what the Lancer standards call for. But if you're not going for that, it may not make a difference. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=12081&pid=104951&st=0entry104951
  15. This: Plus, it looks like the greeblie on your TD is upside down. The two tabs should be pointing up. Other than that, that is one good looking scout! You do this native Marylander proud!
  16. I found the MLC to be heavy enough that I would not want to wear it for hours. The KS helmet I have now is nice and light. The MLC is also not $700
  17. Yup. My issue is more with it being fiberglass rather than the price. If it were ABS and that same price point...made from the original moulds....I have to admit I would at least check and see if I have any organs I could sell. I just find the fiberglass helmets a little too heavy to troop around in for long periods of time and way too fragile. You drop that puppy on the sidewalk and bye bye $700. Clearly this a collector's item meant for display purposes. The problem is that I am not a collector. I'm looking for something to troop in.
  18. I'm with Chef -- make an ABS one and I'm all over it. That would be the most accurate to the screen ones.
  19. Oh that's good. I thought the material might make the wearer feel hotter. I was thinking about making one myself.
  20. That is one good looking scout! Well done, sir!
  21. There's no obvious separation like in the top picture, but it looks like the cod piece in the bottom pic is separate and is going under the torso part rather than attached to it. It also looks like the cod could be a different type of material -- like satin or something like that. The way it bends and kind of has a shine to it. I agree that a single piece makes a lot more sense. It's just interesting from a design perspective. I wonder if the costuming book coming out this year might clear up some of this.
  22. In both of these pics it looks like the cod piece is a part of the belt rather than one with the torso and pouches. Is this a possibility or did someone already look into this?
  23. Punisha I had the same experience with the tracking number. But CB is a reliable vendor who makes quality stuff. You just have to be patient because customs holds things up.
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