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Everything posted by BikerScout007

  1. Yes they did. And I had to glue them twice because like a dummy I forgot to take the protective plastic OFF the TD first. hahaha
  2. You just need to bust out the seam on the opposite side of the leg. then you can sew it without too much trouble
  3. Well since I ordered mine two weeks before you ordered yours, maybe mine will be shipping soon. Who knows, they haven't responded to my emails!
  4. How is it size-wise? For those of us with Frankenstein-sized heads
  5. The time I was quoted for an MLC was something ridiculous like 6 months. Life is too short.
  6. Right, I paid the extra money to have it assembled as well. 6-8 weeks they said. Well 8 weeks was yesterday. And emails go unanswered. Definitely can't recommend.
  7. I'll say. Han Solo frozen in carbonite is more responsive. When did you order from them? I would have preferred SC, but I heard that the KS buckets are better for those of us with expansive craniums.
  8. Well this is where I'm at. Still need the bucket, flak vest and blaster. Have to sew on the suede to the flight suit as well. Any suggestions are welcome!
  9. Yeah I'm no expert costume maker so I'm sure you are right. But the way I look at it, the 501st and Lancer standards don't call for it so I'm not going to bother. There's enough small details to get right just to make Lancer!
  10. I just tried this. Works brilliantly. And it doesn't look like I'm wearing an inflatable device,
  11. Those "pockets" look like seams to me... and the MOM suit is not considered canon because it was pieced together for the exhibit. As for the flap, there's a good pic of how it's done here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10906 It's pretty simple, I wouldn't overthink it!
  12. Looks good! I'll probably run into you once I get my scout finished
  13. I'm guessing these numbers came about because a lot of the brain trust is in the UK and they are using the metric system? No offense to the brain trust, you all do great work.
  14. Now I'm going to have to redo my knee armor, you controversial elastic obsessed crazy woman, you. It looks like the top and bottom knee armor straps are the same size. Probably .5"?
  15. Of course the day after I post a photo I get Marcel's magnificent boots and cummerbund. Still need the bucket, vest and I haven't attached the pouches yet... but things are getting there.
  16. That's the route I'm going to take as well. I haven't seen anything in the photos to suggest the t-strap thing that some folks have been using.
  17. A little bit of progress...... and I forgot to put on my knee armor!
  18. Probably because the chest side strap is missing!
  19. Yeah, I'm of the mind that the original scout costumes were made in the US with Imperial measurements.... if I don't get Lancer because of 1/8 of an inch... so be it .
  20. I'm going the 1 1/2 route as well. There's no way that is 2 inches wide. And 1 3/8 elastic just doesnt exist here, so every where that's called for I'm going with 1 1/2.
  21. Interesting idea, Chef! Something I may look into after I get this build done.
  22. Sorry, I guess I wasn't being very clear. I don't really care about the storage issues. I'm just wondering if anyone out there makes thigh boxes that are actually boxes. Because the ones I have from SC look like boxes from the front, but are actually cutaways from the back. Kind of like a movie set where the front of the house looks real, but from behind there are no walls. Does that make sense?
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