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Everything posted by BikerScout007

  1. That's not as bad as some racing suits I've seen. Usually they have 1,000 pockets on them that need to be removed! And yes, as mentioned above, the logos have to come off if they are not covered.
  2. Great job, man! You were a real pleasure to work with Be sure and send me a photo so I can get you up on the Lancer page!
  3. Hahahaha. I had a cheap one from the army surplus store for $7. It got the job done. But I put an UA on my Amazon wish list and got it for Xmas one year and boy.... it made a hell of a difference. Recommend it!
  4. Hahah whoops I thought KW was making replicas. Good to know! I ordered a kit from him a few years ago but never ended up using it.
  5. Hey buddy... everything is looking good. Just one more issue has come up and I apologize this is the first time we've noticed it The TD tube has the black stripes on it. I know SC has sent out a few like that and we need for that tube to be all the same, gray color.
  6. Just to add to the above, it looks good for basic. Only the boot sole color might hold you up. The codpiece is a bit narrow for my taste and your vest sleeves might be a bit puffy but overall well done!
  7. SC is what I have. They are great! Welcome!
  8. As long as the outside of the helmet looks correct it really doesn't matter how you arrange the interior
  9. Thank you for showing off my lid, Cheyenne! Yes it seems 3M has changed their speedglas kit to black bolts with convex tops. You can do exactly what Cheyenne said and it will be all good. Or you can spend some extra $$$ and get this replica kit: http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=10270
  10. Hey buddy! You've done a great job with this app. And you've fixed most everything without us prodding you on, which is great. Sometimes just sitting back and looking at the pics gives you a whole new perspective. What we'd like to see is your dropboxes come up a tad and make them nice and even. Also, if possible, see if you can bring your belt up to meet the bottom of your pouches better.
  11. I bought a $12 bin from Target. Black and red, so Imperial colors! No wheels or anything. But the scout costume is very light since it's mostly soft goods, and I can pick it up over my head and get around obstacles while my compatriots get stuck on escalators with their rollers
  12. It's my pleasure to announce the latest addition to the BS.n staff: Cheyenne TB-26548 ("Forest Ranger") is coming on as a Webmaster to assist Jim in keeping the good ship BS.n running smoothly. and Daniel TB-91728 ("Nexous") is coming on as a Public Relations Officer, both to assist Jake AND to finally get the Pathfinders Card run going again on a consistent basis. So expect an announcement about that soon. Let's give these scouts a warm round of applause!
  13. Good luck to you, Scout!
  14. Most folks do one continuous loop. Indeed, this is how it was done in the film. I did mine with the male end pointing down. This seemed the most logical
  15. While Shaun is helping you out with the ART, give this thread a read: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=15231
  16. Hey Ken! Welcome to bs.n No on both of those! There are many better, more reliable and accurate choices out there.
  17. Out of the box, the KS is fully approvable. I know this from experience. But for Lancer, yes you need to change the decals, change the snout, remove the mesh, put black on the inside behind the ears and change the bolt covers.
  18. I'd hold off until you've actually trooped in the helmet. You may find you don't need the fans. They knew what they were doing when they designed this lid for ROTJ. You get really good airflow due to the earholes and the raised portion that goes around the back. Not to mention that if you REALLY need a breath of air you need only lift up the faceplate!
  19. Honestly, that sounds about right. I got mine about 2 months after ordering.
  20. As far as I know, an eFX Scout lid hasn't seen the light of day yet. Last time I talked to Gino they were still nailing down the prototype. I have the RS lid and it is not small. And yes, it's a long wait
  21. Yes, it's 1.5 for the straps. Did you try a hot knife on the boots?
  22. Altmann's would be fine for you. As would KS or SC
  23. You shouldn't need to do this. The buckles don't need to be functional. In the film, the strap passed behind the buckle so it looked like it was functional when it actually wasn't. The webbing was just one long loop that was attached to the belt in the back.
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