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Everything posted by BikerScout007

  1. It looks pretty good. Could possibly be longer. But not by much. I annotated my own riding patches with measurements in this post:
  2. I think you could make it easily another 2 or 3 inches longer. The rule of thumb used to be about 1 inch from the knee armor, but the Costumes book kinda threw that measurement out the window. You could go down as far as 1 inch from the knee and still be fine for Lancer.
  3. The annotated images have been added above
  4. that looks good to me!
  5. It's better, but it is still crumpling. It should not crumple at all if you want to go for Lancer. I use fabric stiffener inside my codpiece to keep it flat. I also have a loose strap, that keeps the codpiece loose. Here is my scout. You can see the codpiece is totally flat and doesn't pull between my legs:
  6. Above your actual knee, not the knee armor. We don't have an exact measurement for the thigh patches so we have to provide our best estimates based on available photos. The Scout in the CRL photo modeled his armor and soft goods after the Scout from the Costumes book.
  7. Pandatrooper's thread is great for SC builds. I just glued mine together with E6000 and they have held great after all these years. DO NOT rivet them together. That is a no-no according to the CRL. The only rivets on the belt are one on each side in the back, riveting the nylon straps to each end of the belt so it can be closed.
  8. It's a start. I'll take it!
  9. Yeah for basic that is fine. We are only requiring leather and Spanish cut tops for Level 2 -- which doesn't exist at this point! I figure we should probably wait until we have more than 1 to start drafting Level 2 requirements
  10. I did the dime-tracing
  11. Looking good so far!
  12. You are totally fine with the first option.
  13. In that case, give this thread a read: http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/topic/17305-lancer-build-tutorial/
  14. I think with my first kit I traced a dime on white vinyl to make the dot.
  15. I'm a 34 inch waist as well, and 6 feet tall. I went with a Large-Tall. The "tall" is important, as these can be quite tight in the groin area if you get a regular
  16. Wow! Super misleading
  17. Yeah it definitely looks small. I'm not ready to rule it out without more info. Now who is going to take the dive and buy this thing so we can review it?
  18. Doesn't quite look as bad as some of the past licensed helmets, but it's hard to say if it's approvable without seeing more sides of it. https://www.officialstarwarscostumes.com/products/star-wars-adult-scout-trooper-collectors?CAWELAID=530005750000426298&CATARGETID=530005750000424902&cadevice=m&gclid=CjwKCAjwvNXeBRAjEiwAjqYhFmUZ86is5h67BmZQ36GQVKRL6v1RXtQDTJkKRbUDGmo43sq15Ok9_RoCr5AQAvD_BwE&fbclid=IwAR09eeueoxsEHG_SMHAyeA7G9-TZNWXC9e9JZsGm0RAPcKzOPenJmGUNREY
  19. This is really great news! As far as I know we are down to 1.....maybe 2 Kashy armor makers. This would be a huge help.
  20. DVH makes the best blasters, in my opinion. Those 2 3D printed ones you posted both look pretty rough to me. Neither are Lancer quality.
  21. The info we do have can be found starting on this page: As far as I know, Armory Shop is the only one making them right now https://www.facebook.com/armoryshop.ru/
  22. I don't love the Imperial Boots. The film boots were hiking boots covered with leather and since Imperial Boots are made as one whole boot, they always look off. Like a pair of white rain galoshes
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