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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. Dude back 3 years ago I searched high and low for that bag pictured. I searched vintage barrel bags over and over and found some like it,but I swore that there's a d ring on the straps. I assume there is? Or is it just me. I found one that was a Police issued bag with a d ring with in the strap,but I was told to give up because its was more than likely a UK made item and no one over there had ever found one.
  2. I always thought it could be a drum bag.
  3. No problem. It's just some print are harder to work with than others. Another thing there's not many pictures of the raw or finished product. So that kinda makes me shy away from it. Have you tried Etsy?
  4. I haven't. However that blaster looks iffy to me. It may just be me. I'm sure it's a 3d print with a ton of clean up. Maybe someone will chime in and give some useful info.
  5. Congratulations man! I'm still on the lookout!
  6. That's not how a CRL works. It's actually a totally different CRL because it's a totally different scout. Also I'm not for sure it would even fall under the Pathfinders since the guys are not imperial.
  7. TD's are also zip tied on. Which the hero scout in ROTJ had zip ties to help hold his TD in place also.
  8. Gonna need that for your bag\baby carrier. It's either missing the center square or it's broken off.
  9. Someone a few years ago was talking about making these. Cant remember who. I was super interested in them.
  10. It might,but I highly doubt it. As far as reinforcing it I haven't heard of anybody doing so.
  11. No it's a WTF kit.
  12. That's what blows my mind! I mean it's like that put zero effort into most of the costumes. I mean come on they have probably more references than we do.
  13. Nice work!
  14. I have the same one. It's also the machine I used to learn how to sew. It's worth every penny!
  15. Yup! Made the scout look like a vagrant.
  16. Yes either will fit good.
  17. Congratulations Lancer!
  18. At one time I had that same setup. It matched up almost perfectly. There's several scouts around here that has a SC/ALT setup. Maybe one of them will chime in.
  19. Yes bondo will work. Devcon plastic weld is also great I prefer it over Bondo because it's easier to sand and hold paint just like bondo. You got the steps down. Sadly most times it's just easier to paint the whole helmet.
  20. MC is more accurate to the screen used armor. Helmet is also,but the helmet is a three piece helmet. Resin back with abs face plate and visor.
  21. Looking good Mike! Get that Lancer app in! I'd go up one size.
  22. Nice! I remember these from back in the day.
  23. Looking good! Got any pics with the armor on?
  24. You got it! Just take your time with the trimming.
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