After over a long year of research,saving money, and building,my scout is just about done!
There are some things to note, I need to remake my cummerbund cuz it just barely fits me, I need correct gloves, and I don't have the flak vest or suede yet.
I will have these items except for the vest and suede shortly.I'm just not going to attempt the suede until km about 17.
but here ya go!!/photo.php?fbid=161505014043070&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&source=48&__user=100005507170156!/photo.php?fbid=161504940709744&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&source=48&__user=100005507170156!/photo.php?fbid=161504910709747&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&source=48&__user=100005507170156