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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Donovan

  1. Try using brasso.I use it on my armor and it works great
  2. Patrik thanks!and I made em big so I don't have to remake themnwen I'm older XD lazy alert!
  3. After over a long year of research,saving money, and building,my scout is just about done! There are some things to note, I need to remake my cummerbund cuz it just barely fits me, I need correct gloves, and I don't have the flak vest or suede yet. I will have these items except for the vest and suede shortly.I'm just not going to attempt the suede until km about 17. but here ya go! https://m.facebook.com/home.php?_rdr#!/photo.php?fbid=161505014043070&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&source=48&__user=100005507170156 https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=161505014043070&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&source=48&__user=100005507170156#!/photo.php?fbid=161504940709744&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&source=48&__user=100005507170156 https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=161505014043070&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&source=48&__user=100005507170156#!/photo.php?fbid=161504910709747&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&source=48&__user=100005507170156
  4. Lol o ok I gotcha.makes sense. Im just ocd about having a dirty scout haha
  5. Thanks guys! And chef what's a REMF Scout?
  6. If ur one of those scouts who just doesn't gave the guts like me, you cant stand a dirty scout.so what products do you use to clean and remove paint scratches on ur armor. I use brasso on my hard parts to remove paint scratches. I'm looking for something tht will polish or shine Ny armor once I clean it up.
  7. I feel yah man.I git the money for one but I'm saving for a new drumset so ill have to wait along time.but then again I got 3 years till I can join
  8. Nvm they showed up thx Lou!now ive got a better understanding of the size thanks
  9. Srry but I cant see the pictures :/ if you post em on ur fb ill be able to see em
  10. Anybody got measurements for a LW?if you possibly could do a size comparison of the two side by side.if not id like at least just the LW measurements
  11. Right now its sitting on my old toy box until I finish my duct tape mannequin.I usually just wear it to the place I'm going to so I don't need a tub.
  12. Its still the most beautiful thing ive ever seen
  13. Lucky dog!wish I had the cash for one
  14. i love the strapping idea,looks way cooler than the velcro
  15. niice.im scared to rivet my lens to the face plate like you did tho lol.i need to reglue one of the clips on mine cuz it broke off. ur build looks amazing.makes me want to touch up on mine more.
  16. what kit is this?
  17. Looking awesome!its a fairly simple build.just take your time and it will look amazing!
  19. Yeah its constantly doing it and it looks ridiculous.I tried putting Velcro on it to tighten it and I put my socks over it too and it still ends up looking like I have really fat parachute pants XD I was thinking of putting stirrups but I'm not 100% ik how to do tht
  20. Ive noticed tht after about ten minutes of wearing my scout the legs of the flight suit want to ride up so I constantly have to fix it and it looks pretty ridiculous.is there an easy way to keep this from constantly happening??
  21. Lol I could never weather my scout.I cant stand getting 1 scratch on it.as soon as I see tht 1 paint scratch I grab the brasso and clean it up.I'm to ocd for tht lol
  22. Im anxious to see more pics!
  23. Yeah I got the lens clips for my helmet and the td n there different
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