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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Donovan

  1. http://youtube.com/index?&desktop_uri=%2F#/watch?v=daDHZH_SKC4 Pretty interesting.its amazing how there was about 25 scouts but this is one of the only one left.it gives some nice angles and shots of the bucket
  2. Hmmm thanks for the tips guys.ill try cutting out the ears and see if it gives better circulation but even without em cut out its fairly nice
  3. A kind of dumb question to ask on these forums is does the kashyyyk scouts visor flip up like the biker?ik it does on the action figure but I'm not sure bout the real thing
  4. Yeah check out pandatroopers build its really in depth and helpful
  5. And wen I do tht wat part on the inside do I spray black?
  6. I still have to cut mine out.I think that may help with more circulation.
  7. http://www.allelectronics.com/make-a-store/item/CF-361/9VDC-62MM-COOLING-FAN/1.html# would one of these be a nice fan to put in my bucket?ik it doesn't get too hot inthere but just in case it does I want to stay cool.if not would you reccomend a 12v instead of a 9v fan
  8. Yeah thts wat I meant haha sorry
  9. Ive also heard if its hard to take them off, you can cut the black heel part off
  10. Kelly You mind sending me a pic or two of your undersuit?
  11. Its tht or a redkap.I thot this one becuz it was a smaller style but if removing zippers is difficult I may not choose tht one
  12. https://secure.armysurplusforless.com//productView.php?id=666 I was looking at this one but I just wanted to check the requirements for a 2 piece
  13. That's what I was wondering...I had no clue on wat a textile suit was
  14. I was just wondering wat the requirements were for a 2 piece undersuit?
  15. The eyes only is hard for me to breathe in but mine has a design on it so I pull it up for pics.but the open face is way easier to breathe in but may be colder in winter.if ur live somewhere cold go eyes only, if its warm id use full face.
  16. I don't like the nose greeblie xc
  17. http://trooperbay.com/helmet-bags/ these are really nice helmet bags for a steal of a price!you could also get them customized for no additional price!
  18. http://www.farawaycreations.com/ MC is smaller but the wait time is ridiculously long. Its also more expensive than SC. I'm only 5'1 and 85 lbs and ive been told I can fit in an sc, and thts a larger kit.scouts can have tons of room unlike our tk counterparts c: plus were more flexible and were better shots cx
  19. Ill try to send u some.do u got an email I could send em to?
  20. Yeah mine came with no stickers.but do you need to sand it?
  21. Ok cool thanks.my dad said the paint wont stick unless you sand it but I'm getting opinions from the experts haha thanks.
  22. When u paint the Jenner Blaster do u have to sand the surface or can u just spray it black.my dad says you have to sand it, but hes been wrong with everything ive been doing with my scout.
  23. I took it apart and its got one of those mabuchi Japanese motors.no wires...
  24. Hey Jim could you send me tht too?
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