Ok today I finished my biceps and knees,I still need to mod the forearmed and shoulder bells but those are basically done.
I also did a test fit for the chest and back and it was pretty big.I need ur guys' help to tell me how much I need to mod this or what I can do to make it fit better.I want it to be a lil big on me still because I'm still growing but here's some pics and I tucked my shirt in to show where my waist was. https://m.facebook.com/home.php?_rdr#!/photo.php?fbid=138313649695540&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&__user=100005507170156 https://m.facebook.com/home.php?_rdr#!/photo.php?fbid=138313483028890&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&__user=100005507170156 https://m.facebook.com/home.php?_rdr#!/photo.php?fbid=138313729695532&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&__user=100005507170156
Yeah if ur a smaller body type lean towards sc or mc.I'm 5'2 And Ican almost wear the armor with no mods.(chest, back, belt, and shoulder bells are a little big but nothin bad) but if u r bigger try ks.
I got sc armor and helmet andcfrom pics ive seen I would avoid ks armor and go sc.better quality Imo.the helmet is alright but replace the bolts, snout, and if u want the decals.
Hey guys I finally got my armor from SC yesterday and it is amazing thank you!
When I opened it everything was wrapped in bubble wrap which is awesome and I gotta say, this armor is smaller than I thought it would be which is pretty awesome.I was really surprised on how small the chest and back was, I was expecting something enormous.eventhough it is smaller than expected it still will need mods.idk if Jeff trimmed off a lil extra plastic on mine but it is quite small.I'm 5'2izh and this looks to be a good fit without mods.I did. Ame myself a duct tape mannequin (tht was a terrible experience) to size all my armor too.
Before I get strtd I have a few questions.
1.when u trim this plastic what tool should I use?
2.how should the TD greeblies be placed?
I will have pics uploaded soon.
By insert do you mean like padding or something to help secure the helmet to your head?I use a hardhat liner. This is the tutorial I used.ik the bucket is a tk but it worked for my tb http://m.youtube.com/index?&desktop_uri=%2F#/watch?v=DnCG50JX3LE
Hey had two quick questions, would steel toe boots be useable for my base boot?and approximately how many yards of fabric will I need for my boots?(and cummerbund)