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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Donovan

  1. I see your points and its understandable for mass production but I think the price is what is killing everyone.
  2. Exactly! I got my whole scout for $700! And I hate that its in fiberglass, I HATE fiberglass helmets. And the non shiny will probably be $500 if were lucky. I'm just going to wait to pick up a lw helmet( if he ever makes any again) because its just as accurate and in ABS
  3. So if you guys were wondering when efx was going to finally start preorders for this thing well, it opens up the 8th. If you want to pay $700 for the clean version of the helmet here's your chance. I am disappointed they decided to do the helmet in fiberglass and not abs. Its a bit if a shame, and the price tag really is a shame in my opinion. I get that its made from the screen molds but that's too much for me.
  4. Oh ok,my main issue is that my holster is just too wide! Its shaped like a J shape and not a U or C shape, if that makes sense
  5. So I'm possibly thinking about upgrading my sc kit to an mc. I prefer the look of the mc forearms,belt,and chest mainly because I'll be applying for lancer in the future, but I really dislike the ridiculous wait time on the armor. Soooo if you're a bigger person and ordered an mc kit and would like something bigger I may be interested in a trade
  6. Nathaniel- I've been looking at my old sc holster for reference but wasn't sure if I could do the same thing josh- ok cool pictures would be much appreciated!
  7. Oh ok haha I'll make sure to get a build thread up there! Jim
  8. So before I start, big thank you to Nathaniel (skinner3D) for the big trooper assist and hivng me the Ks holster!(dint worry I'll send you something shortly ) but I'm very unfamiliar with Ks assembly and I don't know how to assemble the holster, also it seems really wide so I think I'm going to heat it in in order to fit on my boot better. Help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  9. Jim, I know I know, but bsn is my second family and I thought you guys deserved to know first
  10. Haha I'm looking forward to it as well,I'll be doing the armor assembly and boots, she is doing the sewing my dad wants to do a tk but isn't fond of the price tag haha. I'd be doing most of the building anyways lol
  11. Haha XD -dylan pete- nice!
  12. So after along while, my mom finally decided she wants to build a costume and she decided to build a shadow scout she is smaller than I am so we were planing on MC armor and SC helmet I'll definitely try to get a build thread up once she gets everything
  13. Thanks guys, I'll just go with sc or mc for my mom
  14. Ok thanks guys, I kinda figured, some of the pieces looked ok and some ,not so good. But then again its only $300 so I guess you get what you pay for
  15. I stumbled across this website that sells various armor including scouts and I'm not sure if its good or not. My mom wants to do a shadow scout kind of cheap and I mean the parts look decent but idk if they are because I've never heard of this brand. Check it out and let me know what you guys think
  16. I've got the second pair listed and they are amazing also I make boots send me a pm and we can maybe work something out
  17. I got redkap for my undersuit as well
  18. I got my gloves from wampa wear! They look better imo and they're a few bucks cheaper. Ks really isn't the best and is harder to pull off, sp I would suggest sc or mc. Mc has a really long wait time and from what I know is more expensive. Sc us really great and a lot of scouts are using it. Ca boots are just bad so I don't reccomend them.
  19. My sc decals were just like stickers lol, you peel em off the page and put them on. They're just really nice stickers
  20. Hey I'm from Colorado as well and I am around 5'4, I found it very easy to fit into sc armor and helmet. If you have the time and money you can go with mc armor
  21. Check out pandatroopers build thread for really good pics!
  22. Smiling Fox, I think it would look better black as well. I don't get why the went with the color it is
  23. Is it a scratch or the black marks? If it's like the paint marks I use brasso.I'm the odd scout here and I like to be shiny lol. I'm just too odd about it and don't like it to be dirty
  24. Did make that bike?!
  25. Wow I wish I had the time for that
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