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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Donovan

  1. Also without modding this helmet is it a fairly easy build?
  2. Kathy sed i can pick it up to save on shipping and i want sc but i dont have 370 or 215 for a helmet lol
  3. Dang looking bad ass Barry cant wait for your finished results (oh ive decided MC for the armor)
  4. Barry lol sorry this kindle keyboard really messes up my typing
  5. Oh sorry how not the other word.this dang kindle keyboard fails
  6. Mc is really good and it is in Colorado...about hoe small?would it fit me pretty good?ik there would be trimming still but would it be a better fit?
  7. Hey guys I was wondering if SC armor could be trimmed down to fit me, I'm 5'2". If not what do you suggest?
  8. Hey guys since I'm not done growing yet, my feet will out grow my boots,and since there's a holster attatched to the right boot, what do I do?can I take the holster off and put it on a new pair or do I have to order a new one to go with my boots?
  9. What are leg straps?
  10. Hey guys I was looking into the rubies Tb helmet for my birthday and modding it.even if its modded is it still a terrible helmet?
  11. Lol no boots yet?and wth Jeff wouldn't sell me the white part kit -.-"
  12. Thanks guys for the info, since I'm guessing I'm going to grow bout 3 more inches then ill probly have to replace the soft parts.o could someone link this to the forum that was just added?please and thank you
  13. Thanks that's wat I was thinkng
  14. Hey guys I was wondering how much growth room you have as a TB? Like how many inches can you grow before it looks silly and you have to replace parts?
  15. Griffin Really! Swweet! Thanks, ill use one of those, they look really cool
  16. Griffin how much is the trunk?
  17. Cool and sorry bout the big spelling on biker scout I have auto correct on n for some reason It came up with that word n I didn't notice lol
  18. How do you guys store your biker scout?ik some use those 50 gallon tubs and some have there own special cases what do u use?
  19. Idk I miiiight try it it doesn't look too hard...
  20. That's a lot of work...it looks pretty damn good though
  21. What modifications will I need to make to the rubies TB bucket to make it accurate?
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