also use a hanndfile to make the circle a sqaure and I think I only needed to do it to the visor part.but if u need to u can also do it on the faceplate.
I got an sc and what I did was drill a hole the size of the screw and file that hole down to be a square and pushed it thrum and it sits flush.it takes like 5-10 minutes but its better than just drilling a bigger hole.
Umm sc is the biggest to my knowledge(firs up to 6'3) but with modifications it may be possible(don't take my exact word for it) I'm a small scout so I'm not 100% sure.bucket wise I believe ks is the largest since u say u have a big head I would avoid sc for the bucket.I hope this may help some
I have a hardhat liner in mine.picked up the liner at homedepot for $6.I can wear my glasses in mine but I usually don't because its a little uncomfortable.I have the SC bucket btw
I agree this world of costuming is a hit or miss.I got my bucket as a flawed kit but I was perfectly happy even though it didn't line up 100%.it still looks nice but I cant complain I got it for less than $100