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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Donovan

  1. Terry I forgot to ask but approximately how tall are the pouches?
  2. Patrik ive tried photobucket but it is just so unresponsive with my kindle.(I'm using the mobile site)
  3. Cool thanks Terry and patrik Terry ur build has been super helpful and it looks amazing!
  4. Jim rlly ive been told ks was a way bigger kit?
  5. I plan on finish trimming shoulder bells, heatgunning the forearms and applying the straps to them.pics to come
  6. Such an amazing, detailed build!
  7. Ok today I finished my biceps and knees,I still need to mod the forearmed and shoulder bells but those are basically done. I also did a test fit for the chest and back and it was pretty big.I need ur guys' help to tell me how much I need to mod this or what I can do to make it fit better.I want it to be a lil big on me still because I'm still growing but here's some pics and I tucked my shirt in to show where my waist was. https://m.facebook.com/home.php?_rdr#!/photo.php?fbid=138313649695540&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&__user=100005507170156 https://m.facebook.com/home.php?_rdr#!/photo.php?fbid=138313483028890&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&__user=100005507170156 https://m.facebook.com/home.php?_rdr#!/photo.php?fbid=138313729695532&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&__user=100005507170156
  8. Yeah if ur a smaller body type lean towards sc or mc.I'm 5'2 And Ican almost wear the armor with no mods.(chest, back, belt, and shoulder bells are a little big but nothin bad) but if u r bigger try ks.
  9. Ok do I have to order these online becuz I haven't seen these around?
  10. Thanks patrik
  11. I got sc armor and helmet andcfrom pics ive seen I would avoid ks armor and go sc.better quality Imo.the helmet is alright but replace the bolts, snout, and if u want the decals.
  12. Thanks Patrik c: Also would regular scissors work too?
  13. Hey guys I just gt my armor Friday and I was wondering what tool I should use to trim down some of the pieces
  14. Hey guys I finally got my armor from SC yesterday and it is amazing thank you! When I opened it everything was wrapped in bubble wrap which is awesome and I gotta say, this armor is smaller than I thought it would be which is pretty awesome.I was really surprised on how small the chest and back was, I was expecting something enormous.eventhough it is smaller than expected it still will need mods.idk if Jeff trimmed off a lil extra plastic on mine but it is quite small.I'm 5'2izh and this looks to be a good fit without mods.I did. Ame myself a duct tape mannequin (tht was a terrible experience) to size all my armor too. Before I get strtd I have a few questions. 1.when u trim this plastic what tool should I use? 2.how should the TD greeblies be placed? I will have pics uploaded soon. https://m.facebook.com/?refsrc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F&_rdr#!/photo.php?fbid=137263493133889&id=100005507170156&set=a.106851169508455.1073741825.100005507170156&__user=100005507170156
  15. By insert do you mean like padding or something to help secure the helmet to your head?I use a hardhat liner. This is the tutorial I used.ik the bucket is a tk but it worked for my tb http://m.youtube.com/index?&desktop_uri=%2F#/watch?v=DnCG50JX3LE
  16. It looks like KS but ive never heard of them doing helmets in fiberglass so maybe a ks recast?
  17. I'm 5'2" and I got sc.even withiut the armor you wont have the bobble head problem.SC is your best bet maybe mlc
  18. Rob Haha thanks it was nuthin O ok cool
  19. about how tall is your wife?also what armor is this?feel free to shoot m a pm
  20. what bucket do u got?
  21. redkap has pretty nice and cheap flight suits
  22. Hey had two quick questions, would steel toe boots be useable for my base boot?and approximately how many yards of fabric will I need for my boots?(and cummerbund)
  23. Lome when I finish my scout I'm just gonna go out in the wilderness like that and see what reactions I get XD
  24. Andrey lol yeah I seen the unicycling video pretty cool
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