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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. It looks cleaner and smoother. Nice.
  2. They look pretty good to me. I would just smooth any rough edges and make sure it's nice and curved where it needs to be...see below. Hope you feel better.
  3. I'm looking forward to watching the progress! I hope you enjoy building the kit. LW has some great stuff!
  4. Looks great Mark. I fought the "chest/back joining" issue this weekend too.
  5. Ah yes...the smell of Rubies Vinyl...! I remember it well!
  6. Look'n good and weathered like they've been riding through the forest!
  7. Here's the progress for this past weekend. I finished up the chest/back parts, painted the tank parts, and added the pin-striping. I also added the greeblies to the TD, using double-sided tape. The greeblies can easily be removed and tweaked later on. So...I'm ready to tackle the boot holster. The KS holster is rather large and really does not fit my boot at all. I have a heat gun and think the part should wrap more. Any ideas guys??!!
  8. Cool project. It will be neat to see how this turns out.
  9. The helmet is coming along nicely Juan.
  10. Thanks Alex! I just finished up the belt and TD. Pics coming soon...
  11. Ditto that...I put Trooperbay decals on mine too.
  12. I've been working on the set a little this week. I plan to do more this weekend. So far I have modified all the arm/leg parts and have them ready to go. The shoulders are nice and look great. I'm working on the belt today along with the tank mounting and stripes.
  13. Yeah...I'm on the fence for the TD bits. I have a nice set of greeblies from a BSN member and they look great. I may attach them w/double-sided tape for now. Also, since there were on-screen scouts w/out greeblies I may go bare too...
  14. Check out Frank's topic link above...he is amazing.
  15. I worked through lunch and got the elbows, biceps, and knees completed and setup w/Velcro. I am still working on the chest and back. The belt is coming next and will be good with a few mods.
  16. Take your time and have fun!
  17. Mostly...the chest and back pieces do not fit good and look funny. The tank topper is warped and overall the tank looks funny. The other parts (knees, shoulders, elbows, biceps) are not bad and look very clean and sharp. The bucket is really nice and once I replace the snout greeble, paint the snout, replace the stickers, and bolt covers...will be very very sweet. I like the fit, size, and weight of the bucket for sure. It's much lighter than my TX helmet.
  18. Okay. I received my brown box from KS yesterday and everything was intact. The helmet was the best part, while the armor has some issues. Mostly, I do not like the way the armor chest and back are molded (i know, i know...i was warned). The other parts (knees, shoulders, biceps, and elbow) are great.
  19. I received my brown box from KS yesterday. The helmet was the best part of the box. The armor, not so much...
  20. I received my brown box from KS yesterday. The helmet is very nice.
  21. I got a message over the weekend and my kit has shipped. I'll let you know how long it takes to reach Texas from Canada. Not sure about your location and/or other shipping considerations.
  22. I got an email from KS and my kit has shipped! Will update this topic with more details...
  23. I got an email from KS and my kit is on the way! It should be here by next weekend and I'll post progress pics from box to completion. Stand by...
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