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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Good as a cheap collector item, but not a good troop-able solution. IMHO...
  2. SC is a good reputable maker of scout armor.
  3. I went with a Redkap coverall for my jumpsuit. It was inexpensive, and only had 4 pocket (2 front, 2 rear) to remove. The size is a L and Redkap lets you pick your chest, waist, length, etc. So I went with my biz suit size. It was really spot on, but the crotch was a little high and uncomfortable when I walked. So, I ripped the crotch seams out, and lowered it a bit. It sounds horrible, but was really nothing to do. If I can, you can! Since then I found some faux suede and elastic at a fabric store for $10.
  4. I adjusted the "stride" in my jumpsuit to accommodate my 6"2 height. It's kind of like lowering the crotch seam.
  5. Stay on him, Scott is a good guy and he will come through for you.
  6. Yep ditto above. The holdout blaster is our only canon, or approved blaster. I like the E-11, but made a DLT-19 sniper for my non-canon carry around.
  7. Ditto as above...I use a DJ, he also makes the TD bits too.
  8. An approved 501st Imperial Scout Trooper (Biker Scout) is a Pathfinder. Think of "Lancer" like a specialist rank, or something within the Pathfinder detachment. I hope that makes sense.
  9. I'm also a KS guy...but will upgrade soon.
  10. No doubt, great templates. Hey...we're all Pathfinders, or upcoming Pathfinders here and on the same team. Marcel is doing the job he was elected to do and giving us updates and information relative to the costume we all love. I am not a Lancer, yet, but can tell you the changes to the CRL bring us closer to Lancer - but not 100% lined up to Lancer standards (boot soles, 2nd knee strap, box strapping, helmet upgrades, etc). To be a Lancer (IMHO), means following "as close as possible" to the onscreen Imperial Scout Troopers (top to bottom). I hope to be there one day. My 2 cents...
  11. I think there's a few opinions on it. When making my costume, I just weighed it and went with what I thought the screen used guys used. The fun (and I'm learning it too), is to get new info and learn new things about our parts (like the TD).
  12. Good luck, I'm sure you will do just fine...!
  13. I made one similar to your option 1 image.
  14. Welcome. You should go to the intro link and create a post too. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showforum=36
  15. This is the hardest part. I had all my soft parts, boots, and decals wwwwaaaayyyy before my armor and helmet arrived. It makes you crazy with anticipation. I'm sure the other guys/gals can share their stories too... But...what helped me was to focus on the prize...and working on a blaster. You are almost there...!
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