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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. All in all, KS currently offers a good solution for the scout helmet. Most of us own and wear them. Kit or pre-built is up to you and your skills with models and stuff. As stated though, out of the box it is not 100% accurate and will require a few extras (decals, snout, bolt covers).
  2. I usually don't take my gloves off until I'm taking a break. I'll keep my right pouch flap loosely opened, with the cards right there to hand out. I also get my wife (handler) to help out.
  3. Nice box! I keep my trading cards in my pouches along with snacks, stickers, and other misc goodies.
  4. Yep, it's a CS6 and I chopped the back portion down a bit then re-attached it. The barrel is stock and breaks down further. The scope is a real Tasco from a .22 I own. The only other thing I have done is add a strap and a ton of ammo. It's great for "shoot-a-trooper" type things that we do at events.
  5. Great job Matt...just a few adjustments, almost there!!
  6. Do it Jeff! Here's a few links that are interesting: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9135&hl=%22vest%22&fromsearch=1 http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=2760&st=0&p=75026&hl="vest"&fromsearch=1&&do=findComment&comment=75026
  7. Mine too had flaws and also took some time, patience, and upgrades (3m bolts, snout, decals, paint, etc). BUT, I love my KS helmet even though it's not perfect. My experience: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8322&hl=%22ks+armor%22&fromsearch=1
  8. I chose to make my own and it only took a few weeks. I'm fairly certain the link you posted is from a BSN member and the suit should pass general 501st clearance.
  9. You always help me and others, so...thank you Chef!
  10. ...and the thermal detonator greeble...right Chef?!
  11. Nice job Trooper! Let me know when you are ready to do up some trading cards...!
  12. But you can always look at mine Adam...!
  13. It really comes down to the look and hang of the boxes. For mine, they are about 2-3" from the belt...but I'm 6"2 and looks good on me. Yours may be more or less distanced based on your height and build. Make sense?
  14. No worries...I added mine with double-sided tape since it has been flipped about 4 times now. Hang in there, it'll all be worth it! And when you're ready, I'll do up your trading cards for you.
  15. I echo what Dart and Chex have said...it all depends on your comfort level with building it. There's nothing wrong with getting a pre-built helmet. Just keep in mind that there are still things that you will need to do to it (decal, snout replacements, etc).
  16. Great job on your build and on the pics. One comment: it does look like your TD greeble is upside down. You might consider flipping it.
  17. Jason...I'm following since I plan to do this costume next. Great progress on your build, btw. That's a great looking boot option; interested if it will work out.
  18. Your vid is really cool btw...nicely done. We do a "shoot-a-trooper" thing here where kids can take a shot using the Nerf blasters. It's fun for the kids and we get to interact with the parents and other recruits too.
  19. Pretty cool...! I also have a mod-Nerf that is fun to tote around.
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