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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. I know SC is addressing the decals but Trooperbay has some top-notch decals too.
  2. I agree...interesting take on the setup. For mine, I used elastic and Velcro to join the chest/back parts. Then, I used Nylon webbing for the wrap around and secured it with Velcro. Lastly, I made a "T" shaped Velcro part using some cotton webbing and Velcro for the shoulder bells. It works well for me. Here's the result...
  3. Yep, I agree with Chex. Also, nice base boot too.
  4. Yeah, the older SC TD will be a little tight. Most folks use a little piece of ABS or double sided tape to elevate the Greeblie a bit. SC has recasted the TD so it's more accurate now. At any rate, nice work. Chex, Marcel and Cyberscout will guide you through the Lancer specs. When you are ready make sure to create a Lancer application thread for their review.
  5. Great job on the boots. I'm sure that was fun! IMO, I'd grab the TD greeblie from Don-Jarr. It's pretty inexpensive and more accurate. All in all, great setup man.
  6. Jeff...that's freak'n cool man!! Great design and work on this costume. My wife is totally digging it...!
  7. We get around, huh?! Check out this thread for some strapping sizes/explanations. I got most of mine from Joanne Fabrics, maybe they offer more types here in Texas. Also, you can pick up excellent cotton webbing online at Jontay.com. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9676&st=20
  8. When I get it cranked up again I will contact you. It will be very soon!
  9. I'm a little tall for a Stormtrooper! Yeah, I had to do some overhauls to make it look good too. Mostly, the armor shapes, nylon webbing, and chest/back were funky. I still plan to get smaller boxes since these are a little large. They don't look to bad given my height though...
  10. I'm a tall, skinny guy and the KS setup works for me (6"2, 165lbs).
  11. Congrats brotha! I have updated your status to Pathfinder. Great work!
  12. I would avoid that lid, feedback is not very positive on the seller. I do agree with Chex...the KS is a good option. Also, SC is also offering helmets at this point too. I am not sure about sizing on the SC though...
  13. I would avoid that CB lid. The feedback on it is not very positive. I agree with Chex...the KS is a good option. Also, SC is also offering helmets at this point too. I am not sure about sizing on the SC though...
  14. I don't wash them either...but I do let them air dry after a long, hard day of trooping!
  15. You guys made some great looking clips. Nice work!
  16. I agree with the assessment from Chex. Interesting boots. Overall, looking really good! The only items I would add are make sure to paint or add a grey rectangle decal to the chest front indention and it looks like you need 2" webbing over the chest/back joins (top).
  17. No pressure... As with all SC stuff, I'm sure the new lids will rock.
  18. Some great detail on the casting, nice work. Is the black on the gun considered a base "undercoat"? Also, what is the weight on it? I would like to get one, prime it, paint it flat black, and weather it up. These look cool.
  19. Getting closer, and closer... You're almost there...!
  20. Looks really good Juan, nice job! As you get used to the gear, you'll start to notice things you can adjust. I would raise your chest a little so there is more space for your pouches. They kind of overlap your belt and you don't want that look. For the chest/back join, I used some of the 2" nylon webbing and Velcro to make my "wraps". They basically just wrap around the join twice, and then Velcro into place (see below). You also may consider a darker wheat or tan color for the boot soles. All-in-all, great work man.
  21. I'd roll with the official CRL for now; don't let it hold you up. If this goes to vote and we all agree or compromise (5-or-6), then it may change. It could take some time.
  22. I'm also 6"2, better view from this point.
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