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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. You will be a solid scout in no time. Keep on course and you'll be an easy approval! Ps...Chef makes a great vest!
  2. Your lid is coming along nicely. And, Chris has a great lens deal there.
  3. I have seen lots of scouts with this one. Good stuff and very solid!
  4. Simply awesome work so far Joesph. The helmet turned out amazing and that was quite an endeavor. You're doing a fantastic job!
  5. Mine was one part (mirrored) and based on this template.
  6. I have the rolling workshop and it did not work out for me; not enough room. Walmart has a nice foot locker/trunk for about $20. It even has wheels on one side. I use this type of foot locker for 3 of 5 costumes. http://www.walmart.c...t-of-2/16415912
  7. This was my original suit. A Redkap with the suede riding patch, butt flap, and 2" elastic bands.
  8. Lancer page has been updated! http://www.bikerscout.net/lancers/
  9. Agreed, and she's a friend in my Garrison.
  10. It's from the concept pic Chef posted.
  11. Lancer page has been updated! http://www.bikerscout.net/lancers/
  12. I had a cast of the first carbine. I've since sold it to Marcel. He's got her now!
  13. Trust me, it works. I love my Dremel too but not for that task.
  14. Drill holes along the line you need to cut. Then, connect the dots and use a file for cleanup. Works great... And, your title has been updated!
  15. I have moved the thread and you're all set. Looking good!
  16. I could not stand the face and went with a generic model.
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