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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Hi Matt, and welcome to BSN! I have granted you 501st access to make things easier for you. The scout costume price range is between $700-$1000 on average. I would expect a scout costume going for $1200 to have ALL the required Lancer updates (correct snout, bund, helmet, straps, etc.). Whereas a "general clearance" scout would be much less. The brand/maker of the armor and/or helmet make a huge difference too. Some are good while others, not so much.
  2. I don't have any color issues with the KS armor parts I own. I have a hybrid mix of KS, SC, and Chef armor. But it works for me. I have read many posts as of late about a slight "purplish" hue to the KS pulls. I'm sure one of the scouts will chime in with their pics.
  3. Keep in mind nothing is 501st "approved" out of the box. The TD tube should be one color of grey. You can paint it one color, easy enough. From the CRL:
  4. The KS armor/lids seem to have a new "color" issue (along with crinkles in the mold).
  5. BSN member Chunk makes a super nice Redkap mod jumpsuit.
  6. Yep, and you will need to replace that part. The KS tbits are horrible. I believe SC may sell the correct bits and Darth Voorhees may also sell them. Or, you could try Don-Jarr on eBay. He's a reliable seller. http://www.ebay.com/sch/don_jarr/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
  7. The fellow who sold it to me is from Germany, but he's been gone from BSN for a while. It's a neat piece, maybe Marcel will post on this topic. Here is a side shot too. As Chunk mentioned, you can make your own. It would not be permitted at "official" SW events, but you could carry it at regular troops. This is my Nerf MOD w/a Tasco scope.
  8. It did not have a stock and I lucked into it back in 2011. It's the 2nd one I have ever seen. Marcel took it off my hands but I'm not certain if he still has it. And, no clue where you would get one today.
  9. I sold mine to Marcel a few years back.
  10. Yep, it's a SF crap original. Move along and don't waste your time. It'll never pass.
  11. You can view a detailed review here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10612&hl=&fromsearch=1
  12. I have a KS kit, but have replaced most of the parts. The chest/back are still KS (along with the knees, biceps, forearms, and belt). Everything else is either too large or poorly shaped. Yes, the KS chest is different than the SC. I'm assuming your comparison scouts are wearing SC. The rectangle is smaller and the overall shape is different, but not too bad. The lower front chest section is more accurate. I got mine in 2011 and it's still shiny white. Another scout recently reported his KS kit had a purple hue. It sounds like they started using a newer plastic. Got pics?
  13. Only the holdout blaster is canon/allowed at "official" LFL/Disney events. These could be parades, charity events, meet and greets, etc. Check with your Garrison whether an event is "official" or a regular public troop.
  14. Yep, KS is definitely larger (in some areas), but not worth the effort to replace/rework the parts. My scout started as KS but now has mostly SC or CF parts. At this point, I'd hold out for Spike's Altmann armor. I think that'll be a nice option.
  15. There is a Legion member who offers them on Shapeways.com. You can also pick it up on eBay from Don-Jarr. http://www.shapeways.com/product/3LBDCU9BB/biker-thermal-greeblies-kit?li=shop-results&optionId=40368428 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-wars-Biker-scout-thermal-detonator-bits-NEW-VERSION-/151865524758?hash=item235be40216:g:4woAAOSwxYxU09J2
  16. That's understandable and commendable of you. But there is a LONG history of issues with that seller. You read about it and chose to go down that road. Please keep us posted, but it's not the best course to take.
  17. Hey...if it works for you, go for it! I prefer shorts and a t-shirt, but go with under armor in the Winter.
  18. Chef is also a member of the CMD staff here on BSN. He's a great fella and will take care of you!
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