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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Yeah, as mentioned..."shrimper" boots are a no-go and will not pass approval.
  2. Walt (rottie) is awesome and he's making lots of great armor.
  3. My entire KS kit (armor and helmet) took about 5 months to arrive back in 2011. When it did arrive, I got sick just looking at it. The quality was horrible and it looked to be pulled and trimmed by a child. I have replaced every part on the kit except the knees, forearms, biceps, and chest/back. The helmet was the best part, but even it had "crinkles" in the vac-forming process. Those "crinkles" still show up today, on every helmet I see.
  4. White? If you found rubber "shrimper" boots, they won't work. You'll need something more accurate for approval. These are a no-no:
  5. They use an e6000 like glue. You can slip an exacto blade underneath, and give it a little turn...carefully. They will pop right off. Go slow.
  6. Um, I got mine in 2011. If anything, the quality has gotten worse. The helmet is decent, but would not recommend them as a vendor.
  7. Yeah, he can build it with two rivets for general clearance, but will need only one for Lancer approval.
  8. Dart for the WIN...that is in fact a Hotshot blaster. This is mine:
  9. I think you are on to something good...stick with it!
  10. You guys are correct on all counts. Avoid it, and move along.
  11. Looks really good. You could remove the boot sole from a Palladium, and add that one. It would be an interesting experiment. http://www.palladium...-hi-02352-261-m
  12. I'm 6'2" and weigh 160lbs, on a good day. I've got Celiac disease...
  13. Yeah, it'll never pass the approval process. Just don't be seen at a troop or con with it.
  14. It's cool that you can experiment and try different things. Hope it works out! Kudos man, I need to learn to cast stuff too.
  15. To be more accurate, you'll need to replace or modify the following: Armor: 1. Holster (replace, too large) 2. Belt boxes (replace, too large) 3. TD hose (paint it grey), TD end caps (replace, too large) 4. ALL greeblies (incorrect t-bits) 5. Trim (remove it) Helmet: 1. ALL greeblies (incorrect snout, no riser) 2. Decals (replace, not correct) 3. Bolt covers (replace, not correct) 4. Snout area (missing black outline, riser, etc.) 5. Trim (remove it)
  16. Let us know if you need anything on this end!
  17. Good to have you on board with us...!
  18. Yeah, that's no good. It's a SF, and possibly even a recast of one...which is like copying a turd. It's still bogus, move along trooper!
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